Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Icheoku says you know the justice system is seriously gunning for you when a mere altercation becomes "a terrorist threat  and an assault with deadly weapon"; and you ask yourself, is what qualifies as a 'deadly weapon' now this so open-ended to also include a kettle bell? Sean P. Diddy Combs was arrested for assault with a "deadly weapon" which was later amended and upgraded to three counts:- one count of assault with a deadly weapon, one count of making terrorist threats and one count of battery. Icheoku says it is evident from these charges that Sean P. Diddy might be looking at doing some serious time and it appears they have finally cornered him. 

But it is Sean Puffy Diddy and he seems not to learn from prior events in his life? This is a guy who narrowly missed spending time in the slammer by dint of luck and a very good defense attorney, charged in 1999 with weapons possession and firing same inside a crowded New York City night club as well as bribing his chauffeur to take the fall for that but was acquitted. Again he was arrested for beating up Steve Stoute of Inter-scope Records but was ordered to attend anger management class following an apology for his misbehavior. Later in early 2015, the same P. Diddy was again accused by an Arizona guy of hitting him on the face but the matter settled with P. Diddy paying off the guy before charges could be brought. Now the same Puff Diddy or P Diddy or Sean Combs or whatever alias he currently identifies with or goes by, has again lost his mind, blew the gasket and assaulted a football fitness trainer and with a "deadly weapon?" Icheoku asks when will P. Diddy grow up and realize that as a black man in America, that he is permanently in the cross-hair of the American justice system which cannot wait to put him away where he "belongs" or at least tag him as an ex-convict marker. 

Icheoku says that many a prosecutor or District Attorney in America will be salivating to be the vehicle that will finally put P. Diddy away, where he supposedly belongs; and will not hesitate to spring at any opportunity to so do, is a well known fact. Unfortunately too, Johnnie Cochran who used to fiercely and zealously get these guys' backs and who served as the ever ready dutiful Rottweiler, always standing between them and the big house, have since been killed and there is no other person out there with such dexterity of purpose and who really cares and have these peoples interest at heart, now to defend them.  But regardless, this fact of consequence seems to be lost on people like P. Diddy or it may not be sufficient to make them calm down and walk the very fine thin-line with their antennas honed-in and rather very carefully. 

Icheoku asks what is P. Diddy's business even attending his son's football coaching or training or practice session and if he must, why did he not see the football as a game; and the coach or trainer as a person doing his utmost best to make his son the best player he can be? What happened to his candor and respectability or how else does he plan to explain his bad behavior to his son; or that his behavior was the best way to be a daddy or that simply giving blacks in America another tattoo as very unruly and ill-mannered people is desirable? Icheoku does not get it as there is nothing there to get that a fully grown man and a father for that matter, should, while attending his son's practice game, so take matters into his hand, roughing up his son's trainer and with a "deadly weapon?" 

May be it is about time indeed, P. Diddy is sent to prison so that he can learn some hard lessons of life that he cannot always walk free from all these street-thug's misbehavior which is not befitting a person of his status, especially being black in an American society that is always stereotyping black men as ANGRY. Funny enough, he never looks at people like Jay-Z or Dr Dre to emulate their exemplary behavior or try to  behave like them. This two people are equally very successful black Americans but they do not allow their success or fame to get into their head with thinking that they have become untouchables and can do as they please or get away with everything and anything. 

Icheoku hereby calls on P. Diddy to search his conscience and advise himself that regardless of the outcome of the present legal tango, that this should be the last of such misbehavior coming from him. P. Diddy has nothing else to prove to anyone or to himself and should just chill while enjoying his good life as such boisterousness is not a sign of someone who is together with his faculties. Just like OJ Simpson, when this people put a bulls-eye on anyone's black person's back they will hit their marker, although it might take some time and some plotting.  As William Shakespeare said through Julius Caesar in a book similarly so titled 'Julius Caesar', the Ides of March has come but not gone, so P. Diddy should learn to always be wary and vigilant and strive to always protect himself from all the wolves of America trying to get him because they will not and will never stop trying. The fact that other raps against him were beaten, does not mean they have or will leave him alone or that he has now become a Teflon Don who nothing can stick on. , so watch it and mend your ways before it is too late. To Sean Puffy Diddy Combs, Icheoku says, please watch your actions and mend your ways before it is too late. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

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