Monday, June 1, 2015


Icheoku says what is life afterall, even when all the money in the world and the best health-care system money can buy, cannot purchase one even an extra second of life in this world? Few days ago it was Vice President Joe Biden's son, Beau Biden, who succumbed to cancer; and today the president of AMEX, Ed Gilligan, dropped dead midair enroute New York Ciy, while returning from a business trip to Tokyo, in his company's private jet. Icheoku says what is this life really worth, here today and gone tomorrow; yet some people are living it like they have written a death-defying app already and securely guarded. Anyway, it is the irony of life; and like the preacher said in biblical Ecclesiastes 1:2, vanity of vanities, all is vanity. So for all those who have the capacity, Icheoku says please live a life with meaning and as if we are all on borrowed time here. American Express president and chief executive officer, Edward Gilligan, was 55 years old and may his restless soul which saw him rise from an intern to president and CEO of that financial services company, now rest in peace. Adieu Ed.

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