Saturday, May 9, 2015


Icheoku says the Indians are back and this time instead of the IRS scam are busy hijacking Safari (Mac Internet) and will force you to call this number 647.360.4442 and then remotely take over your computer until they fleece you of information including password, bank accounts, your online shopping pattern etc. If your computer is similarly hijacked or frozen, do not panic, just force quit Safari and thereafter, holding down the shift key, click on Safari icon below and you will be back up and running again. But please this is their latest scam as the curry people are now up to no good with their knowledge of the virtual world. The telephone number is traceable to Ontario Canada but is possibly out of Banglore, India using a reverse calling feature that pings it in Canada. Icheoku was a victim for some minutes before sensing danger and then plugging all systems out of power main; then googled the number only to see that they have been flagged as bad for you. BEWARE THE INDIANS ARE HERE TO SCAM YOU.

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