Saturday, May 16, 2015


Icheoku says except that an eye for an eye makes the world go blind; but then, how do you punish such a terrorist bomber, who planted explosives amidst marathon runners and their cheering fans, killing some and maiming so many others? Icheoku says sometimes the Judaic Mosaic laws makes sense and it seems to have made sense in this case. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who, alongside his late brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, planted the explosives which ripped the finishing line of Boston Marathon in 2013, was handed the death penalty by the jury sitting in Boston. Icheoku says well deserved.

Surprisingly, the now death-row inmate Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pleaded for his life to be spared and you wonder why? Icheoku says if he was man enough or rather cowardly-brave enough to wreck the havoc that was 2013 Boston Marathon bombing that killed three people, left seventy one people without one limb or the other and severally injured so many others, he should equally be brave enough to accept with equanimity, any punishment deemed appropriate or befitting the crime for which he was charged, convicted and now sentenced to die. Why this terrorist bomber cowardly chickened out and did not die in a shoot-out with authorities like his brother Tamerlan is beyond Icheoku's comprehension; otherwise all the tax payers' money, running into millions of dollars, spent in both his defense and prosecution, would not have been wasted trying to secure justice for a terrorist who did not give justice to his victims.

Icheoku says Dzhokhar Tsarnaev got exactly what he deserved; admitted no punishment adequately fit the crime in this case. However, we can only go as far as is allowed under our penal justice system; but were Icheoku to be allowed a free hand to go outside the ambits, would have  recommended bombing him as well. May be, strap him with sticks of dynamites and TNT and sticking one right up into his you know where and blowing him to smithereens. It is a good case where the Hebrews got it right and Icheoku says the punishment of death was, in absence of any other choice, well suited for the crime and is very appropriate in the circumstance. Icheoku therefore agrees with the Federal prosecutor Steven Mellin that "The only sentence that will do justice in this case is a  sentence of death" and it was rightly applied to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in this case.

It is equally noteworthy that what Dzhokhar Tsarnaev actually got is technically, a life imprisonment, without the possibility of parole or any early release. Icheoku asserts this because of the reluctance and near apathy of the Federal Government in carrying out death sentences and putting convicted offenders to death. It is on records that 'out of the eighty federal defendants sentenced to death since 1988, only three, including Timothy J. McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, have been executed thus far;  while some sentences were vacated, some of the convicts died in prison while waiting to be executed.' Icheoku is emphatic that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is likely to fall into the later, dead in prison while awaiting execution. So with his relative young age of twenty five, he will have enough time to actually think about his actions of that Monday morning of April 15, 2013. Icheoku says may the sad memories of that day from hell now be filed away with the last known terrorist who wrought that dastardly act now going away and forever for good. What a sadistic terrorist this Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is, away with him and may the sentence be carried out soon enough. 

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