Thursday, May 14, 2015


Icheoku asks what was Beyonce Knowles Carter smoking or trying to achieve, appearing in a public event, the May 2nd Floyd Mayweather/Manny Pacquiao fight, in this outfit? What indeed was her 'mission-accomplished' here, loosely baring her mammary glands in this manner for the ogling world to peep at? Was she trying to convince the world that she is a woman and has two breasts, which no one in the world ever knew prior to this tasteless expose`? Was she trying to make a statement that she can dare and is shameless, by baring her breasts for the feasting eyes of oglers? A little showing of cleavage is usually tasteful in women's fashion, but this unchaste dressing was rather classless and a very poor fashion statement; especially coming from the adorable Queen-Bey, a role model of so many young girls and someone who is well liked and admired across the board. 

Icheoku berates that there is nothing daring or classy in such a cheaply display. Such stripe-tease fashion is not for her kind but is reserved for cheap slutty strippers and wannabes,  who  usually bare it all for mere dollar bills. Stripping or completely going Adam is not particularly a big deal anymore, especially in America, where in places like San Francisco, California, women of all sizes and shapes and ages are often seen striding the streets butt naked, in their rueful reminiscence and deja vu of a life that was once, inside the biblical story of Garden of Eden. So what is there to prove or show by a hitherto Icheoku's respected and admired songstress, so cheaply and deliberately, sufficiently baring BlueIvy's milk source for the whole world to feed their imagination on? 

Icheoku does not know about Jay-z, but says if this is the price he has to pay and is now forced to pay just to be still married to Beyonce, may be it is about time he mans up and exercises other option that may be available to him under the circumstance. How can any respectable and responsible woman, wife and mother and Beyonce for that matter,  unabashedly be so scantily clad and go to a public event and it was expected to be okay for Jay-z to acquiesce and accommodate? Icheoku maintains that the difference between women of easy virtue and respectable ladies is usually in their mannerisms; including respectfully presenting themselves in a manner that does not suggest otherwise or that they are readily, cheaply available for the asking of the highest bidder. Decent ladies have some value-added to their being and should therefore always respectfully carry themselves in order to command the respect and admiration of the public. 

Everyone knows that there are usually two breasts on every woman's chest, whether flat or pointy, so what is the intended objective of Beyonce exposing hers? Does she think that her sexiness or attractiveness will increase quadruple-fold with her exposed two breasts? For whose benefit actually did she expose her breasts as that cannot be Jay-z's, certainly? But unbeknownst to Beyonce, Cher and J-Lo; and all those lousy women who over-expose themselves in the name of sexiness, men generally die for those things that are hard to see, get, reach, touch and feel in women; but not necessarily those readily available or which are too easy to touch or often seen and which by necessary implication of being so over-exposed, has now lost their rare value quality. Sexuality and sexiness is better left for the imagination, imagining the possible and how those covered things will indeed actually look and feel like if ever privileged to unravel them. 

The trip rather than the destination is usually the thing that does it in an experience. Real men love the journey that led to the destination more than the few minutes final rendezvous. So Beyonce why did you show your cans? Icheoku is particularly pissed off because Beyonce is one of the few artists we admire, not necessarily because she is pretty, nope; but because she has respectful carried herself well as both a wife, mother and business woman and without much of a scandal. Icheoku has equally paid handsomely to see her perform live in concerts twice too; so when Icheoku says this outfit is tacky, Icheoku means every word of it. Hopefully, it will not lead to a personal boycott of her future concerts as well as music in protest. 

Icheoku has nothing against any single woman being overtly and loudly expressive with her fashion or in any other way as she may deem fit, but takes strong exception in a married woman acting so whacko and out of control. Such a married woman should take into cognizance that a man is presently in the picture and if a Beyonce, ask herself what would be her reaction or what would Beyonce do had it been Jay-z that so exposed his private in this manner? It is not a question of 'can do', but the sensibilities involved in the display. She did not care nor consider the feelings of her husband, regardless that he kept quiet, while pretending it was okay to share his privileged possessions with the world. 

Icheoku says Beyonce, please do not emulate J-Lo or are you still wondering why Ben Affleck's mother rejected her as a daughter in law. We are all human beings and desire and deserve to be accommodated in our partner's life as well as decisions, otherwise what beneficiary use or advantage then do we have by having them. So Beyonce must be mindful that Jay-z like every other man hurts in such circumstances but might be too afraid to provoke her wrath and decided to keep quiet. Some little fan-pleasing tease is okay while performing concerts, but it is not okay to make it a habit or bashfully take it to the next level. Please keep those privates, private; and let Jayz and BlueIvy enjoy their exclusive privilege of seeing your inner recesses alone, having got you as their own woman. 

The true test of strength is in restraint; the ability to hold back when others are dumping in. It is not in doing those things which can be done or simply because one can. The ability to wield the big stick and not use it is the real test of valor not unnecessary braggadocio. No matter what any man might say to any woman, possibly to make her head swell or get her into the sac, majority of real men for most part, prefer somewhat  conservative women, the kind you take home to mom; not the Jennifer Lopez type. Men like respectable women who eat and wipe their mouth, but not those who carry their liaisons publicly like a badge of honor. It is a given that most adults do stuff, but there is no proof; so why shout yours from the roof top? Icheoku adds that it is always better for women to leave people guessing and their imagination running wild about what those nice designer clothes are shielding behind them and thus giving the lucky beneficiary, the bragging right that it is his exclusive right or rather privilege to access. In this way, the woman's  value-added quality will remain intact and her mystery, deepens as well.

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