Sunday, April 19, 2015



Icheoku says it is a sad commentary today in South Africa that people who were saved from the petulant apartheid regime are today killing the same people who sacrificed a lot to set them free and for no reason at all? Icheoku queries what manner of a people are these South Africans that would rather pay their debt to fellow Africans in this way - lynching and killing fellow black Africans for no offense, other than simply living in their midst? Icheoku queries should other countries now single out every South African living amongst them and similarly set them ablaze in reiteration? Except that an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind, as Icheoku prays that these beastly South Africans would wake up to smell the coffee that what they are doing in their country today is simply barbaric and should not have any place of accommodation in this day and age. What a sore sight, a man being roasted alive in Nelson Mandela's South Africa just because he chose to live among them? What a very big shame indeed and it is condemnable.

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