Saturday, April 4, 2015


Icheoku says if indeed the bible is true and not a history of the Jewish peoples' wandering life, devised as an instrument of colonization by the white people and successfully used to brainwash the colonized peoples of this world, turning their thinking upside down in the process; and that the account of Judas Iscariot performing his role in the playact of salvation is equally true, this man here pictured must be exactly what Judas Iscariot looked like. Pictures don't lie and untrustworthy people always look alike - stooped in their treachery with sunken eyes vacantly starring at nothing as they contemplate the evil they are planning to execute. Icheoku asks after the great betrayal, what next Rotimi Amaechi? 

A man who choose to take sides with others in their conspiracy against one of his own and please somebody tell Icheoku there is nothing wrong with such a person? If not, then Judas Iscariot must deserve a better placement in the act of salvation and not merely treated as the one who betrayed his master. So Rotimi Amaechi, now that you have helped them wrestle away what belonged to your people of Niger Delta, do you think Niger Deltans will ever forget your Brutus stab? How are you feeling knowing that you played a pivotal role in depriving your people their first placed position in Nigeria power structure? Why do you prefer to be a servant rather than a master and answer to people who should rather answer to you? What came over you and overwhelmed your conscience to the extent that you made such unwholesome trade? The good news however for the people that you betrayed is the staying power they have over you, as generations yet unborn will be told someday how a Rotimi Amaechi took side with the enemy against the family, his own people. 

Icheoku maintains that if Don Michael Corleone in The GodFather could whack his brother Fredo for such anti-family activities, imagine the fate which awaits your sorry arse in the event it becomes necessary to ask you for the rendering of account of your stewardship? Like most traitors, sooner or later, if you don't commit suicide like your biblical avatar, you might end up running mad; but certainly no sinner ever goes unpunished and you have sinned against your people big time. Icheoku says Rotimi Amaechi will be forever remembered as that son who sold off his people back into the slavery and servitude they thought they have escaped from. If the presidency of Nigeria is good for the Hausa/Fulani Northerner why not a Niger Deltan Ijaw Southerner? If a Yoruba Southwest president of Nigeria can do two terms of eight years in office, why not a Niger Delta Ijaw Southsouth president of Nigeria? That you sabotaged this effort is without doubt and while the people of Niger Delta may be prepared to forgive others who participated alongside with you, they will not show mercy to a son who worked against their interest and in favor of an outsider.

But peradventure, those outsiders know what a traitor looks like and because you perfectly fit the bill, they hooked you up like a fish. A perfect match for the job at hand and you did even not collect thirty shekels of silver for all the effort? Instead, you additionally ponied up your peoples resources to be used in betraying them in addition. Today, the clever of those outsiders has paid off big time  and your Niger Delta brother-president is on his way out of Aso Rock and out of power; and you call yourself what and your action honorable? Icheoku says for your role in aborting Niger Delta's second term presidency, the land of Niger Delta, upon which you stand and walk on, will never forget nor forgive you; but will surely ask you some searing questions. Nigerians are waiting to see how you navigate out of what is coming your way, as Icheoku prays you will also have the fortitude to stand and stare it squarely on its two eyeballs with a meaningful explanation as to what you did to deny your people what was theirs as of right. What a traitor. 

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