Saturday, April 25, 2015


Icheoku says once again we are reminded what the preacher said in Ecclesiastes that vanity of vanities all is vanity and you then wonder why is mankind still killing itself trying to acquire all this and all that stuff when he does not have control over them neither of his own life. If all mankind acquire could vanish in one bleating second, what use are they anyways? Shortly are we here and shortly are we gone, gone with the wind; although in this case gone with earthquake. Icheoku asks are we here for any particular reason or are we just mere passersby, enroute to a destination but merely temporarily here as a rest-stop? 

When one reads the scripture Apocalypse and its teachings on rapture, do we see this rapture in this sudden death of people - those we know and those we don't know? People who are here now and gone the next second; people like those killed in the earthquake in Nepal, over four thousand of them? How suddenly someone would be so gone unannounced, in fleeting seconds, is but a piece of the puzzle called life. If only humanity could pause to ponder our real essence in this world, may be our endless quest for vanities would be somewhat moderated and to the point of us appreciating what is more important before they are gone forever, taken before our eyes. Icheoku says may the souls of the Nepalese dead find some solace in the Lord and may the survivors find the means to rebuild. What a lesson in fleeting nature of life.

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