Monday, April 6, 2015


Icheoku is very skeptical that the American television viewing audience would let him succeed or thrive, as they are not usually very well disposed to foreign-born media personalities playing a lead role on their televisions and sometimes even in movies. A one-time CNN anchor-man Pierce Morgan tried in vain to woe the American television audience but hurriedly returned back to the United Kingdom when he could not take the heat of rejection anymore; admitted some critics had it that he was summarily fired by the Cable News Network. Icheoku is particularly aware of his challenges then, especially when he descended into the turf with the NRA over weapons control in America, a fight everyone knows he was not going to win. Eventually Nancy Grace of the same CNN's Headline-news led the final putsch that saw his gig come to an abrupt end when the said anchorite championed that the British Pierce Morgan cannot come here in America to preach to us, Americans, about guns control or our right under the constitution to bear arms; alleging that it was Pierce Morgan's people, the British, thievery that first forced Americans into arming themselves to protect their properties from those Brits? 

So who knows the next line of war-cry for freedom from 'these foreigners coming here to tell Americans how to live their lives' that will herald and trail Trevor Noah, in his newly acquired gig at the Comedy Central hosting the Daily Show? South African born Trevor Noah, hired by Comedy Central as a replacement to Jon Stewart, to host the Daily Show, will have many challenges to overcome in order to succeed. Icheoku says it has already began with talking heads of the conservative right-wing including Rush Limbaugh questioning if Trevor Noah lives America enough or hates America or rather if he is an anti-American mole like the other black African in hostile occupation of "their" White House? Peradventure his sojourn as the successor of John Stewart might even end sooner than it started, as pressure is already mounting from both the Jewish community as well as the women feminist wing of the American polity, many of who are dredging up past tweets and posts made by Trevor Noah as evidence of his politics which they surmised may be anti-Semitic, anti-women and anti-America? 

One commentator quipped "it does seem that Trevor Noah believes that Israel is an inherently belligerent country?" Another wrote "we hope he will not cross the line from legitimate satire into offensiveness with jokes calling up anti-Semitic stereotypes and misogyny. And we hope that he and Comedy Central will make a conscious effort to ensure that 'The Daily Show' remains funny and irreverent without trafficking in bigoted jokes at the expense of Jews, other minorities and women." Another commentator put it this way, "Mr Noah's tweets poses a challenge for Comedy Central and its prestige show, The Daily Show; and raises the question of why his Twitter account was not more carefully vetted before he was named as host of "The Daily Show', a program with a world-wide audience of fans as well as detractors." While another talking-head even out-rightly accused him of comparing America to Apartheid South Africa, stating that it shows he does not love America and should therefore not host such an American darling show? Icheoku says it is instructive to note that when Jon Stewart was hired to host the same show, none of these do not cross boundaries were proffered or suggested, and that Jon Stewart is himself a Jew did help smooth matters a lot. But now a black nigger is coming to sit on a revered seat of host of a major American television event, and low and behold, a litany of 'dos and don'ts' are popping up and filling the air. But hey, it is our grand America and we all know how things roll therein, as some people can never do right by any standard imaginable and must always walk the fine-thin line, regardless. 

Whatever happens, Icheoku will keep a close eye on this guy and follow every step of his in his ascendancy to the throne of a major America broadcast media. Icheoku prays that he will succeed where many other foreigners have failed or were not allowed to succeed; admitted that if the pressure continues to mount the honchos at Comedy Central might consider him too-hot a potato to have around and would readily drop him. The possibility of his marriage to 'The Daily Show' coming to an abrupt end even before the honey moon is over, is a high probability, judging by what drives everything media here in America - ratings and revenue. So if the ratings take a dive or advertisers pull the plug, he will become toast asap. Icheoku will be fixated on this union, an unusual marriage of some sort,  to see how it eventually pans out. The fact that he looks so gay might be a help for him in a Los Angeles California, American Log Cabin controlled media market. So if in the event the conservative far right wing decides to go into a tizzy, the moment he is confirmed and out of the closet, they will not successfully persuade his removal, provided the gay community says yes and signs off on his hosting the Daily Show. Until then, Icheoku says all the best to Trevor Noah and uses this opportunity to say welcome to the American media market.

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