Thursday, March 26, 2015


Icheoku asks on what basis would you justify such vagrant betrayal? Why reward and edify him with your vote? A man who did not show mercy to Nigerians and you want to show him empathy? A  man who murdered some three innocent Nigerians in cold blood and you are going to give him an all clear okay for good behavior; except you are a partaker of murder and an accomplice? A man who disgraced eminent Nigerian citizens including revered traditional rulers and you are doffing your hat for him? A man who drastically abridged all freedoms including freedom of speech, movement and even drinking alcoholic beverages and you want to say this type of behavior meets your standard of good behavior? Icheoku asks why reward a denigrate and degenerative despot, who in a more civilized climes would be wallowing in the cold concrete slabs of a maximum security confinement, with your vote? 

Are you telling Icheoku that all Muhammadu Buhari's infra dignities have magically been washed away and that he is now a new man, a born-again? Buhari is your corruption tsar, yet he surrounded himself with every Nigerian corruption personified imaginable? Buhari is not corrupt, yet he borrowed 27 million Naira for his presidential form under rosy terms and conditions shrouded in secrecy; and his wife donated 135 million Naira shortly thereafter? Please before you pull that trigger of your vote, think again; think through your judgment as a vote for Buhari is a vote approving people behaving badly. It is empowering bad behavior including coup plotting, as it will be interpreted as a sign of approval. 

Finally, even if you don't like President Jonathan, still vote against Buhari because you are conscionable and civilized enough to know that such a tyrant does not deserve a pat on the back with a Nigeria's presidency. Remember Jonestown Gyuana and don't drink the Buhari cool-aid because it is laced with cyanide. Icheoku knows that some Nigerians do not like Jonathan, but they HATE Buhari with passion; so you can still cast a protest vote against Buhari like these other Nigerians who would be settling for the  lesser of the two evil option. With your votes, add impetus to this and say fie Buhari! On MARCH 28, VOTE GEJ.

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