Monday, March 9, 2015


Icheoku says until caught, it does not exist, it did not happen; but we all know that racism is a fact of life in America and it cuts across every sphere and strata of the American society. It is a fact of life and anyone saying otherwise is either in denial or is not brave enough to acknowledge a fact of daily living in a racist American society. Where does racism not exists in our American society or the better question should be, is there any place where racism is excluded in America? Is it with a Supreme Court Judge mouthing "THATS NOT TRUE" at an America president simply because the color of his skin is not the agreeable skin color of occupants of the White House? Is it a State Governor pointing her accusatory finger at an American president because as a "boy-nigger" he must do as told? Is it in a Congressman interrupting and shouting "YOU LIE" at an American president during his State of the Union address in the Congress? Is it now in the latest effort of some Senators to undermine a sitting United States president from performing his purely exclusive executive function of negotiating international treaties and foreign policies with regard to the Iranina nuclear negotiations? Is it in our everyday life in America where certain jobs are no brainer for peoples of color and when you manage to secure one, at a lower wage below your comparative white colleague? Is it in a basket ball owner ordering his paramour not to bring those NIGGERS to his game? Is it in different neighborhoods for different people? Is it in different schools for different peoples children? Please let somebody please tell Icheoku where in America is racisim not a fact of life? 

Racism is the underbelly of America which to the extent it is not discussed or spoken of, does not exist? Needless to factor in the numerous black people shot and killed nearly everyday by white police officers without any repercussion? So Icheoku sometimes get pissed off when some trivial race issue like drunken frat boys and girls having a jolly good time, are hung out to dry in this fashion merely because they are voicing what they witnessed their parents, uncles, aunties and other relatives drum in their ear while growing up. They are being hung out to dry simply because another drunk captured a glimpse with a camera phone, of what is a daily fact of life in America? Is it in our factories that colored people are not being called names? Is it on television stations that only certain color is good enough to appear?Just name it. 

Anyway, Icheoku does not buy into all these holier than thou shouters screaming that Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity of University of Oklahoma murdered sleep by singing "If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands; There will never be a NIGGER in SAE, clap your hands: You hang him from a tree but he can never sign with me, clap your hands." Yes NIGGERS were hung in America in the past and today NIGGERS are being hung by state sanctioned legal system and prsion system that is heavily skewed against people of color. Their song or action is nothing new in America, whether "inappropriate or disgusted", because this is what they learnt from their parents and surrounding environment wherein RACISM thrives and still does till today. They were raised that way and thats the only thing they know and they learnt from their parents. Many of them did not go to a mixed school or neighborhood or even church; so why would they not conclude that it is okay to put down people who do not look like them? They heard about NIGGERS being hung without consequence, so why would not think it is acceptable to hang colored people? 

Icheoku adds that even the University President David Boren is not himself innocent of the fact of consequence and is merely pandering to present emotional outburst. Those frat guys and gals, caught on the video were just unlucky to be captured on video, mouthing what is prevalent refrain in America. Icheoku says the solution is for America to accept that racisim is a clear and present danger of existence in America and then encourage its discussion among the various groups, towards finding a possibly meeting grounds on managing it as may be equitable. But for anyone to pretend that it does not exist or that he or she does not nurse racial tendencies  inside of him or her is to outrightly lie through one's teeth. Racism is part and parcel of the American society and the SAE were only being scapegoating now simply because they were caught on camera, period.

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