Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Icheoku says anyone who follows America's manner of speaking very closely, would clearly understand that the White House seem to have finally given President Jonathan the okay, all clear, green light to win the rescheduled presidential election of March 28, 2015. Sources has it that damaging security report on Muhammadu Buhari's revealed his close association with Boko Haram/ISIS; and this has left the Americans with no choice but to shove him aside in their permutation of who should be the next president of Nigeria, as they would rather have someone in Aso Rock who has demonstrated his willingness and commitment to fighting terrorism than bank on an unproven quantum, who is sympathetic to Boko Haram and now ISIS Islamic causes. The coded messages in the video are quite clear for those trained eyes and ears, who understands telegraphs when sent. Listen closely to what the president said and how he said it, with emphasis on certain words; and then decipher what is coded in the message.

First, the president called Nigeria great; and said that the world is proud of the progress made so far by Nigeria since their return to democratic governance. The purport of this statement is for Nigeria to stay the course and not change the horse midstream; because the international community as well as the financial world want a steady fiscal and political policies in Nigeria to shore up their confidence in the security of their investments and projects undertaken and being undertaken. No one is ever comfortable with fluidly  environment as obtains in banana republics and Obama wants Nigerians to assure the world that they are more stable than that. Therefore the president wants Nigerians to consolidate the gains of the past years and not to start experimenting with new, untested and unproven quantum, de novo. This is the reason he reminded Nigerians that they are now the strongest and biggest economy in Africa and should endeavor to sustain it.

Second, the president emphasized that violence and extremism has no place in any democratic dispensation; and then you wonder who this jab was meant for except the very man who has become the face of political mayhem in Nigeria. A man who is associated with all political violence in Nigeria including the killing of over 800 innocent Nigerians during the 2011 election as well as about twenty-five youth (NYSC) corpers. The president also delved into the past history of Nigeria to remind Nigerians that the military is since long gone in Nigeria; and therefore they should not vote for anyone who will remind them of that their ugly past that is best forgotten, when they were forced to live in a very large concentration slave camp inside Nigeria. So the purport here is for Nigerians not to vote for a violent extremist and a military coup plotter.

Third, President Obama went further to urge Nigerians to reject voices of violence and those calling for destruction of lives and properties just because of election or because Nigerians rejected them before and would reject them once again come March 28, 2015. Obviously Nigerians understand the person of interest here and the reason why this telegraph was sent out. APC's Muhammadu Buhari has promised the shedding of "the blood of baboons and dogs", and equally threatened to make Nigeria bloodier this time than he made it in 2011. The other guy on the other hand has severally pledged that no Nigerian blood is worth shedding for any political office including the presidency. So for those who heard President Obama loud an clear, the message is that Americans don't want a murderer in Aso Rock.

Fourth, the president said that Boko Haram must be defeated. Nigerians know who among the two principal candidates has the back of Boko Haram covered and the one who is kicking their butt decisively. Boko Haram has become particularly of great concern to the Americans because they have joined forces with ISIS, the other terrorist group America is battling in the Middle East. The Americans will not want to be drawn into another large scale military operations against another terrorist group in Northern Nigeria or Africa with an expanded Boko Haram and ISIS alliance. So President Obama is telling Nigeria to stick with the guy who has shown his will and determination to wipe out the scourge from the face of the earth rather than risk someone whom security report has shown is very sympathetic to Boko Haram and ISIS Islamic causes. 

Finally, the president emphasized that the security, prosperity and human rights of Nigerians are of optimum importance and that Nigerians should be wary of this as they choose their leader on March 28, 2015. Icheoku says Nigerians are aware of the quantum of freedom they are enjoying under the current peace-loving guy from Otuoke. Many Nigerians also remember the gulag that was Nigeria under the other guy from Daura, during his first coming, which saw to so many journalists being imprisoned without any cause, mass incarceration without trial and the killing of three innocent Nigerians who did not commit any death penalty offense. And because the Americans have given up on the possibility of Nigeria breaking up in 2015, as they had projected, President Obama reminded Nigerians or rather borrowed genocidal Gowon's war time slogan - "that keeping Nigeria one is a task that must be done"; except that  Icheoku could care less either way.

Anyway, it was one heck of a good address to the Nigerian people; at least Nigeria, for once, got some good reportage from the Americans and in a very long time. Icheoku hopes the message telegraphed was received by the very discerning Nigerian people, who as expected, will act as advised. Icheoku says any Nigerian expecting the Americans to come out and categorically tell them to dump Muhammadu Buhari must be a novitiate; but the decoded message is quite clear enough and it shows that the White House would be more comfortable dealing with an Aso Rock, whose occupant is named President Goodluck Jonathan. So on March 28, 2015, tell the Americans that you are not too dumb to decipher the message sent; tell the world that Nigeria is not a banana republic with revolving door and fluidly fiscal and economic policies; emphasis that Nigeria will sustain the progress of the past years as well as defend their hard worn democracy; toot that Nigerians will protect their human rights and the freedom of these past years and will not risk any violations. VOTE GEJ.

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