Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Icheoku says Benjamin Netanyahu's un-protocol-ed visit to Washington DC is both unnecessary and uncalled for; and  has only succeeded in further polarizing Israel and driving further wedge between his wing of the Jewish nation and the rest of the wider world. Why would someone in his position not give peace a chance and first wait to see if the current effort at  a negotiated settlement with Iran over its nuclear capabilities will work before making any further move to pressure a different outcome. 

Icheoku says his current crying of wolf is unneeded at this time; and regardless, America under no circumstances would never stand by and watch Israel suffer any attack talkless of a humiliating defeat from any country including Iran? Therefore why must the governor of that 51st America state chose now that a possibility exist that a peace deal could be reached, to disturb the peace of everybody with unfounded allegations, especially one not new or different from his previous allegations? That Netanyahu is successfully driving a wedge between Jewish support in America and the world at large is equally a fact lost in his busy mind. Icheoku says his antics would only succeed in galvanizing world's opinion against the Jewish state including those previously sympathetic to it. 

The only thing that possibly came out of the Washington DC roadshow of Bibi is that he successfully pitied an American congress against an American president; and in the battle for who to show their loyalty, the Congress of the United States of America choose a foreign leader over their own leader? Icheoku says whether this is a continuum of the disrespect publicly shown to the president because of the underling racism in America, Icheoku cannot say for sure. But it is a cause for serious concern, when the Congress takes side with a visiting foreign head of government over and against the objection of an American president, who was not duly intimated of the visit as required by protocol. So now that it has been established that Netanyahu can successfully ransom the Congress to throw the president under the bus, just because of campaign contributions of the Jewish lobby group APAC, who knows what else the Israeli government is capable of influencing in Washington DC? 

But Icheoku maintains that it does not present a good image when an American Congress takes side with a foreign leader against an American leader. If Bibi Netnayahu has something to say to Americans, he could have channeled it through diplomatic contacts or emailed it to the Congress or even stayed in his Tel Aviv headquarters and lip it. But instead, he choose to defy and snub the president and came to Washington DC in flagrant violation of established protocols. A matter made worse because the same people he wants America to attack, the Iranian people, also have millions of their citizens living in America and paying their taxes as well. Taxes with which the Congress is maintained and which also buys the weapons as well as equip the military that would be deployed to go whack those Iranians, were Netanyahu to have his way? Icheoku says it is absolutely wrong for Netanyahu to try and pitch Americans against each other - Iranian Americans against Jewish Americans, and such must not be condoned by any right thinking person in America. 

A negotiated peace agreement is a preferred way moving forward and America must not be blindly led by the nose again into waging another unnecessary war that will cost us arms and legs again; not when the other two similarly unnecessary wars are yet to be decisively ended. So what if the Iranians acquire the bomb since they will not be mad enough to use it, knowing the existential threat such action would impose on their own civilization. But America must stop yielding to the blackmail of Netanyahu, who like  a spoilt child, has continuously been throwing tantrums because he did not have his way and coarse America into starting another needless war in the Middle East. Just because his wish to have America go fighting another Israeli war against the Iranian is not coming through, due to a courageous rebuff by a president, who has stood firm and resolute against another needless war when a possible peaceful solution is in the offing, he is trying to stir disunity among the Congress and the president. 

Israel knows and so does Bibi Netanyahu that an attack on America's 51st state would not be un-responded to; and just like the 9/11 attack in New York elicited a massive "shock and awe" response, any attack on Israel, be it conventional or nuclear, will be massively reiterated against too. So with this knowledge in the background, why then the needless show that Bibi brought to Washington DC? Your guess is as good as Icheoku's, totally uncalled for and needlessly petulant. What did Netanyahu say in Washington this time that is new or even simply an update of what he has said and been saying before? What aspect of his speech could he not have emailed or even text to Washington as an update of what he has rehashed in the past? But to Washington he must come to dramatize himself and whatever his phobia is concerning  an agreement that is still currently being negotiated at Brussels and not one that has been reached just yet. 

Hopefully, President Barack Obama will have a place in his heart to forgive such affront both by the Congress and Netanyahu, otherwise he should place Bibi on a permanent do not see list for the duration of his remaining two years in office; admitted he will still be catering to the reasonable needs of the Israeli people's protection. What a rabble rouser, who merely came to Washington to beat the drums of war and this is the same man who went to the United Nations some years ago to present a chart of ticking time bomb ready to go off and several years later, Iran has not exploded any atom bomb anywhere, and you ask yourself, what happened to his credibility. Benjamin Netanyahu, please check in your excessive compulsiveness as it does not endear you to anyone with rational mind as the people of Israel deserves better than a divisive figure leading and championing their cause. What a show of disrespectful shame that Bibi Netanyahu brought to Washington DC and upon himself. 

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