Friday, February 13, 2015


Icheoku says it would appear that rap mogul, Marion Suge Knight, has finally been cornered; having played himself into the hands of a justice system which has been patently and eagerly waiting to snatch him and put him away and for a long time too. With his latest indictment for murder and other ancillary crimes, which the prosecutor described as very large stack of uncharged crimes”, the founder of Death Row records label, which once had under its sleeve, rap artists Tupac Shakur, Dr Dre and Snoop Dogg, appears to be headed to the big house, where he would likely live out the rest of his life, under California's three strikes law, if convicted. 

A man who has had several running-ins and some very close calls with the law; and who instead of becoming sobered down and turning literally into a born-again, completely retired from his bad-boy machismo lifestyle/image, has continued barreling down that road to perdition. Now he is finally in an orange jumper suit and may have to wear it for the rest of his life. 

Surge Knight was indicted for murder and attempted murder resulting from vehicular run-over of two people - Terry Carter and Cle Bone Sloan near Universal Pictures Straight Outta Compton. He is currently locked up and awaiting trial, his bail application originally set for two million dollars having been revoked because he is a flight-risk. As a possible three-strike candidate under California sentencing law, he is looking at a mandatory life sentencing  if convicted. Suge had previously served five years in jail for assault and federal weapons violations; following his release in 2001, spent another 10 months behind bars for violating parole by hitting a Hollywood nightclub valet

icheoku laments that unfortunately some of our African American brothers do not learn from their experiences in order to understand that the justice system is always gunning for their black asses, desirous of catching and incarcerating them for good. With Suge Knight, it would appear that his ears were deafen by his mistaken believe of invincibility as a result of some rumored dirty work which he does for the FBI in African American communities? But now Icheoku and the rest of the watching world know that he is not after all what he thinks of himself - that cat with nine lives. That living a thug's life does not get anyone very far, especially in the American society where as a black-man you are a perpetual target of the justice system out to corner you and incarcerate you, thus solving another social menace problem or rather eyesore? 

Suge Knight is not above the law neither is he an untouchable underground boss as he erroneously previously thought of himself. A man who has severally ran afoul of the law but miraculously pulled a Houdini each time, has now finally spent his last luck and is currently playing guest to the law. Recall how Tupac was assassinated under questionable circumstance in a vehicle driven by Suge Knight in Las Vegas? Ditto was Lisa Left Eye Lopes suspicious one-victim accident death while traveling in La Ceiba Honduras in company of the same Suge Knight and a few others? But hey, like the saying goes kill by the sword, die by the sword, so the world is waiting to see how Mr Suge surges out of his present legal tango or otherwise, surge himself into the big house instead. Icheoku asks when are black Americans going to learn their lesson and modulate some of their lifestyles in order to help avoid all these pointy accusatory fingers which is laser-focused on them by a law which is skewed against them. 

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