Saturday, February 21, 2015


Icheoku says Nigerians should ignore Mr Festus Odimegwu, the latest sadistic-entrant into the ill-fated project Muhammadu Buhari's mansion of doom for Nigeria.  He is a bitter man on a mission to avenge his ouster from the NPC. He spoke out of bile and not brain; as no rational man would ever trade Goodluck Jonathan for even one thousand Muhammadu Buharis. Icheoku says Festus Odimegwu threw his support for Buhari in protest, out of anger and annoyance and not out of any intellectual conviction that Muhammadu Buhari is a far better man to manage the affairs of the country better than President Jonathan? 

So what if he was fired as chairman of the Nigerian Population Commission by the president? He is not the first man to be ever relieved of an appointment, neither will he be the last? So when Odimegwu impetuously lashed out in tempestuous anger, throwing his support for Buhari, his decision could not have been a product of a germane deliberation; but one which sprang out from a heat of passion and which is bound to be fatally flawed. By pitching his tent with the "witches and night soil-men" of the APC, due deference to Rotimi Amaechi as he then was and so eloquently once spoke, Festus Odimegwu is being a mere reactionary and not one genuinely interested in what is in Nigeria's best interest. Query, what manner of man would sincerely and honestly prefer for a Nigerian president, a murderer named Muhammadu Buhari to the humane President Goodluck Jonathan, both candidates' precedents considered? 

Icheoku says admitted President Jonathan made a mistake in yielding to the blackmail of Kano State Governor Kwankwaso in firing  Mr Odimegwu from the NPC, but it is contemptible for any Nigerian to proffer a Buhari alternative. Propounding such a Russian roulette of an option for Nigeria is indeed very pitiful of the propounder and it smacks of some mental disequilibrium. Icheoku fully understands the seething anger in Mr Odimegwu over the hand dealt him by President Jonathan, which Icheoku had commented on previously; but that notwithstanding, the APC did not give Nigerians the room to maneuver out of Jonathan if they indeed wanted, in the no-alternative alternative the APC is propagandizing in Muhammadu Buhari. Icheoku is emphatic that under no circumstance, aggregate or cumulative, are Jonathan's so called many sins enough and sufficient to make Buhari a more palatable alternative or choice Nigerians can and should opt for. 

Icheoku says a disgruntled Festus Odimegwu would have stoically sucked it up and not allow his anger to get the better part of him into suggesting that a murderer would be an acceptable alternative to Nigerians in the coming election 2015. Under no circumstance whatsoever, would a murderer ever be a lesser evil than someone who has never shed any human blood; except that a bitter Festus Odimegwu would want Nigerians to believe differently? And it is not as if President Jonathan dismissively fired him from the NPC job as he gave him his full props while relieving him of the appointment. The president added, without bitterness, of Festus Odimegwu, "he is a fine gentleman, very cerebral;" yet Festus Odimegwu did not reciprocate this warm conviviality but went full throttle in bashing the president. 

Icheoku says for Odimegwu to say "that majority will vote for the APC" is evidence that he has similarly drank of the APC propagandized kool-aid and his brain is now not firing off correctly on all cylinders. Odimegwu did not also know that the country has a "bad leadership and an under-performing government" when he accepted and served the same government as chairman of the NPC until fired? However Festus Odimegwu later admitted to his beef with President Jonathan - the president sacrificed him for reelection purpose, adding that "the president sacrificed and was ready to sacrifice anything and everything, anyone and every one for re-election!" 

To this, Icheoku does not begrudge a political president who understands that his reelection chances depends on his political appeal throughout the country; and then goes about courting the respective constituents to actualizing it. Icheoku asks Odimegwu, so what if the president's political calculation "led to the Kano Governor taking over the Presidential villa to abort Nigeria having a credible and accurate census"; because before there was a Festus Odimegwu manning the NPC, the president had to first win the presidency and subsequently so appointed him. So there is nothing politically or even morally wrong in the president maneuvering another win for a second term and even if it means conversely firing Mr Odimegwu from the NPC in order to make it happen. It is politics and in politics a lot of wheeling and dealing takes place, it is the name of the game.

Icheoku wonders what inheritance Mr Festus Odimegwu has now finally found in the house of Bola Tinubu; the same man he once heavily criticized of fraudulently inflating the population of Lagos State just for his selfish political gains. Icheoku says in the affairs of men, it is sometimes often very difficult and very daunting. trying to reason out any rationale. So it is with this Festus Odimegwu, who because the president fired him and not that he was convinced on the superiority of his current choice, has thrown his political feather-weight behind Bola Tinubu's Muhammadu Buhari; and you wonder to what effect, if any? It is equally uncharitable of Mr Festus Odimegwu to grant Muhammadu Buhari a space in the pantheon of great leaders as there are no great things 'mission-accomplished' by Buhari? Except  the murdering of three innocent Nigerians has now become a great act in the eyes of Festus Odimegwu and from which his "great leader" Muhammadu Buhari inured? What an asinine, laughable and ridiculous opinion ever expressed by any sane and educated Nigerian, that Muhammadu Buhari is a great leader; for having led what into greatness, one may ask? 

Finally, to all those Festus Odimegwus of Nigeria who are currently queuing behind Muhammadu Buhari merely out of spite and vindictiveness of President Jonathan, verily, verily, verily, Icheoku says unto you, know ye all that on March 28, 2015, Nigerians will decide their president. Icheoku is optimally optimistic that thinking Nigerians will not settle for a murderer rather than a man who is currently doing his best under a very challenged and sabotaged circumstance. So to burning, scorching hell, all  of you who are out to cut off the nose in order to spite the face. Get over your hatred of the Jonathan of Otuoke for he neither ate your yam nor stole your wife; rather he is busy, laboring tirelessly to steer the ship of the Nigeria state safely to the right path and there is no stopping him now! Please Nigerians, on March 28, tell Festus Odimegwu that he did not succeed with his hate-filled persuasion, VOTE GEJ.

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