Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Icheoku says the only regret is that he was the one who preemptively pulled the plug and not the other way. A very fast one indeed, following the decision of the party's NEC to axe him from the party which filtered to him and he decided to beat them to their game. But regardless, it is still a good riddance to his nuisance and convulsive value to the party; a party which gave him so much but which in turn got mere damnation from him in return. 

Icheoku called it correctly and rightly in our article of November 17th, 2014 titled "Obasanjo defecting to APC," wherein Icheoku predicted that Olusegun Obasanjo was on his way out of the PDP. But the rest is now history, admitted he did not go full hog by also walking over to the APC immediately; but whether Bola Tinubu would tolerate and accommodate a rival in his APC is a matter for future discuss. Icheoku says it is only people with impaired political vision that did not see it coming and did not know that Olusegun Obasanjo  had made up his mind a long time ago about parting ways with the PDP. These are the people now flipping over and about because of the dramatic manner Olusegun Obasanjo ended his marriage with the PDP by publicly shredding his membership card and calling it final quits from the party. 

Icheoku maintains whether Olusegun Obasanjo can still be accommodated in Nigeria as the "statesman", he so desperately desires, is very much debatable in view of the so much damage he has caused his reputation, leading to President Jonathan calling him a motor park tout. Many Nigerians agree with President Jonathan that Baba Iyabo of Ota is a rabble rouser, whose behavior is anything but statesmanly. Like the two women of the Bible who went to King Solomon over custody and ownership of a child - wherein the biological mother wanted the child to live, but the putative mother wanted him killed; this is now  Olusegun Obasanjo and how he has dealt with the PDP that gave him its all. So now Nigerians have watched how someone who did not know how a party was brought into being, did not care about what becomes of it either. A party he never mentored nor nurtured, but walked out of prison, a convict, to be rewarded with a gift of its presidential candidate and went on to do two terms of eight years as president of Nigeria and now in gratitude, he is shredding their membership card on public television. A party he merely leeched off and parasit(ed) on without more, he destroyed their property in this manner which goes to show that he never cared about its well-being in the first place. 

The biggest loser of the Olusegun Obasanjo final ouster is not the PDP, for they will survive and thrive. The biggest loser is Abubakar Atiku, who alongside his fellow  PDM  accomplices in 1998, conspired to deny Alexander Ekwueme his midwifed baby and gave it to Olusegun Obasanjo, thus having Obasanjo reap where he did not sow. That Abubakar Atiku even survived Obasanjo's machination is equally a miracle on its own; admitted Obasanjo so damaged him that today Abubakar Atiku is but an unelectable political untouchable, a corruption pariah in Nigeria; courtesy of Olusegun Obasanjo who stamped an indelible ink of the face of corruption in Nigeria on Abubakar Atiku. But hey, Alexander Ekwueme has outlived and out-survived both Abubakar Atiku and Olusegun Obasanjo in membership of the PDP and who says God is asleep. 

So going forward, Icheoku says the PDP will now have to move on without Olusegun Obasanjo's nauseating distractions and refocus itself towards winning the forthcoming elections and convincingly. The PDP will now  have to reconstitute itself into the formidable party to beat it is, without the needless maniac of Ota, whose penchant for shouting fire in a crowded theater house of the PDP is  very well known to Nigerians. As the PDP goes on to win the presidential election of March 28 as well as other subsequent elections, Icheoku maintains that on no grounds whatsoever would they ever consider readmitting both Olusegun Obasanjo and Abubakar Atiku back into their fold. The PDP should use their post election victory to finally clean house, weed off all trouble makers and rebuild the party for the future. What a deed that was so long overdue; so long Ota Deity; and now may your evil deeds finally catch up with you in your miserable retirement into political irrelevance and obscurity in Nigeria. And finally Olusegun Obasanjo's curtain is drawn and may not be opened again  till his final sunset; enough of him and enough of his troubles! The PDP is better off without Olusegun Obasanjo!

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