Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Icheoku says any applicant who wants a job normally applies, enclosing his or her necessary qualifying certificates as proof of qualification for the position. The prospective employer, after reviewing the enclosed certificate/s and determines the requisite is met, then invites the candidate for an interview; to then assess his or her understanding and ability to do the said job if hired. But the drama that is unfolding in Nigeria where a candidate for the job of Nigeria's presidency, neither has necessary qualifying certificate nor would agree to interview for the job he applied for, leaves so much to be desired. 

Icheoku queries how then can any prospective employer evaluate such candidate for suitability for the job, with neither his certificate nor his availability for a one on one meet?  Then ask yourself, faced with such lack of certificate and denial of opportunity to meet and talk, how would any employer seriously consider such candidate for the job applied; since there is nothing the employer could use to assess qualification for the job and readiness/ability to same, if hired?  Icheoku says APC Muhammadu Buhari has no certificate and will not debate, yet he wants the job of Nigeria's presidency? So how else possible could this be except through quota system, where meritocracy is sacrificed on the alter of 'born to rule' Fulani ideology, that has dragged Nigeria into the sewer from which it has been  trying to pull itself out all this past years?  

Icheoku says by neither producing his required qualifying certificate nor agreeing to interview for the job, by way of debate,  Muhammadu Buhari has shown serious contempt and ridicule to the Nigerian public, his prospective employer? His conduct shows someone not seriously applying for such a very serious job and therefore should be rejected and not hired. The Nigerian public must therefore, with their votes, reciprocate this Muhammadu Buhari's snub of them, by not  hiring him to be their president, come March 28. How can any Nigerian still vote for this man, after he so thumbed his nose on Nigerians by not conforming to their stipulated rule of engagement to participate in their presidential election.

It is also laughable that Muhammadu Buhari does not want Nigerians to judge him by his murderous past record as a brutal military dictator? But ask yourselves Nigerians, if Buhari wants his sordid past made a no-go area in this election, why is he then beating his chest as a fighter of corruption, when he earned the same honor during the same past he now wants Nigerians to file away in their checkered past history? So what is the merit of such selective heroism if not to mislead and misguide Nigerians in this election season? Why remember to honor my anti-corruption stance but please forget my murderous enslavement of Nigerians? 

Icheoku says this plea for  selective amnesia as it appertains to some misdeeds but brilliant recollection as it affects others must be igored by Nigerians. Otherwise if they listen to Buhari to ignore his past, it must be totally and completely; they must as of necessity equally ignore everything in Buhari's past including his fabled anti-corruption image. This done, Muhammadu Buhari must default back to what he is - a complete  tabula-rasa and therefore running on empty and with nothing to prop him with. So Muhammadu Buhari, Icheoku says you must decide, whether Nigerians should still heed your plea and completely erase all your past or hold you accountable for your past, which is the only records Nigerians have of you? Please Nigerians, ignore this snake-oil, VOTE GEJ.

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