Sunday, February 15, 2015


Icheoku says regardless, so many Americans are walking on pins and needles and are easily tipped over by little things, into unleashing extreme  rage and fury.  The case of the triple murders of those three Muslim students in Chapel Hill North Carolina may not be because of who they are or what they look like or how they worship; admitted it might have somewhat contributed, it might just be another case of an American gone berserk and unfortunately took it out on some victims who happen to be Muslims. The gist of the matter is that any deranged man or woman in America can easily find gun to carry out wanton act of murder; and if the victims happen to be an identifiable group, then all the hullabaloo about hate crimes rises to the top. It is our culture and gun violence is here to stay in America until the National Rifle Association changes their mind and decides to choose life over profits.

Craig Stephen shot and killed his neighbors Deah Shaddy Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha over an alleged parking spot dispute and right inside the victims home. Icheoku disagrees that the victims were primarily targeted because they are Muslims as people get constantly murdered in America who are not Muslims nor of any other identifiable faith based group. But coincidentally the victims here happened to be Muslims and people are reading religious bias to their killing. May be everyone has to wait until the police concludes their investigation before categorically ruling on the exact motive. Admitted also that their murders may have been "brutal and outrageous" according to President Obama, but Icheoku queries which murder is not? 

Here is a disturbed man who decided to take it out on his neighbors and three people are dead as a result. This is America, and people get whacked here all the time, regardless of who they are or their religion. It has been that way and will continue to remain that way, because NRA would not bulge in curbing easy access to guns and gun availability in the American society. Icheoku says President Obama was only being diplomatic with words when he said that "no one in the United States should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship." People in America get killed for whatever reason their killer decides is good enough and in some case, without any reason other than to see somebody lay dead in their own blood. It is what it is and no amount of words would stop a deranged person who has particularly made up his mind from executing his rampage. It is only mother-luck that protects the people and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Americans get killed everyday, whether they are Muslims or blacks or Jews or Protestants or Catholics or Hispanics or whites or Indians - it is an equal opportunity, one-size fits all, daily occurrence.  It is a gun culture and it makes us indeed truly Americans and we live with it daily.

But like with every other murder and killings in America, the routine is the same - secure the crime scene, conduct preliminary investigation, pick up the deceased, hose off the blood, conduct autopsy, bury the victims, investigate further and thereafter put the accused through the justice system. So with the victims now buried and the accused already in orange jumpsuit, he will be tried by a jury of his peers and if they find him guilty he will be punished and if not, he will walk. If he is found not guilty by reason of insanity, he will be confined and institutionalized for treatment. That is the American way and the already commenced judicial process will take its full course.So all those people led by Turkey President Endowang, going into a tizzy because some three people who happened to be Muslims were killed should butt out and let the justice system work its way through. As Americans, we already know the drift; except that now some Muslims are feeling they are now having a taste of what has become somewhat a way of life for African Americans, whose life don't matter. Icheoku extends our condolences to the bereaved family as well as the accused's family, especially to his wife, who must be wondering what happened to the husband she married and turned him into a ravaging murderous vampire. But hey, we are Americans and we are used to our crazies and their periodic havoc and mayhem which they unleash on our general psyche. Quite pitiful that some parents lost two of their own as well as their son inlaw in this manner.

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