Thursday, February 5, 2015


Icheoku says those terrorists of Iraq and Syria known as ISIS have this time definitely outdone themselves in farming out  terror to their captives. They have certainly crossed every known boundaries of humaneness as they went beyond all thresholds of exerting cruelty by roasting a human-being alive? Icheoku opined that even Al Queida and Nigeria's Boko Haram would agree that burning a man alive indeed crossed the lines of what humanbeings could do to one another, whether as to send a message of intimidation and fear or to prove that they are unfeeling animals capable of inflicting the worst type of painful cruelty on their captives. Icheoku queries what manner of vicious animals are these fellas who would take joy in burning a person alive and watch him roasted alive while revering in it? 

Icheoku says not even wild animals in Seregenti Wildlife park are capable of such bone-chilling exhibition of barbarism as this ISIS; those animals usually suffocate their preys before starting their feeding frenzy. But these rabid hyenas of Iraq and Syria Caliphate, they have shocked the conscience of the world into an unbelievable macabre display of brutality. At least they should have given the victim some valium to blunt the pains if bent on watching him burnt alive; but they did not. Instead in the name of whatever brand of Islamic sect they are practising and for which they created their Caliphate of hell, they doused the Jordanian pilot in inflammables while locked and chained inside a cage like an animal, then set him afire and watched him suffer an agonizing painful burning death. Icheoku says the entire humanity should rally round to get these scoundrels routed once and for all, as this magnitude of cruelty is an unacceptable behavior from any human-beings    so called. Icheku prays for the repose of the soul of the burnt to death Jordanian pilot Mu'ath al-Kaseasbeh.

When one thinks that their public humiliating beheading is the apogee of their cruelty, they decided to go one step further to top it off by burning to death a life human-being. Icheoku doubts if any other form of meting out punishment by death would ever surpass this, both in degree of torture and excruciating pain of a slow agonizing death. But  compared to Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria, who murdered three innocent Nigerians using a retroactive decree to achieve his premeditated target objective of putting fear of Buhari in the heart and minds of Nigerians, ISIS still won. Icheoku says however, Muhammadu Buhari and ISIS share a common goal of instilling FEAR OF THEM in the people and they both succeeded. On February 14, 2015, please Nigerians tell Buhari you have not forgotten the palpable fog of FEAR that he caused to envelope Nigeria during this regime of infamy; and that no sane Nigerian would cherish an encore. So on February 14, VOTE GEJ.

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