Saturday, January 10, 2015


Icheoku says with the last remaining hostage-taking army general in Nigeria, once again trying to put shackles on Nigerians, Nigerians stand a good chance now to stop it. Unlike in 1983 when Buhari led junta came charging in the dead of the night with guns blazing and forcefully seized control of Nigerians' destiny, this 2015 is entirely going to be different; as Buhari can only get power if power it is given to him. Icheoku however pleads with Nigerians to say to Buhari, 'we have heard your petition for power, thanks, but no thanks anyway. Using their ballot papers on February 14, 2015, Nigerians can indeed truly free themselves from the last remaining vestige of all the decades of being told what to do like common slaves; and once and for all truly declare their independence from these ex-uniformed mongrels.  

Icheoku says these three hideous men, like vampires and Draculas which they are, have sucked so much of Nigerians' blood to have gotten themselves too drunk on that crimson fluid. But surprisingly, the leanest of them all, the Nigerian 'lean and mean' Julius Caesar's Cassius, is still thirsty and angling for some more, even though his name is not Oliver Twist? Nigerians, Icheoku calls on you to be smart about it and not accommodate this aberration or do that at your own risk of going back into state-slavery. Icheoku is emphatic that Obasanjo, Babangida and Buhari are all the same, they are all ex-military men and they share the same pedigree of exerting violence on the people as well as having zero tolerance for criticism. Icheoku says if still in doubt and wants to know what the future holds for a Nigeria with Buhari as president, do a retrospective capturing of how the country was under Olusegun Obasanjo. It is a matter even made worse because the Buhari of 2015 has not shown that anything has changed from the Buhari of 1983. But hey, do not say you were not warned that the leopard hardly changes its spots.

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