Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Icheoku calls on all Christians of Nigeria, especially those fellow-shipping with the Redeemed Ministry as well as other Pentecostal Ministries in Nigeria to beware of the kite of Pastor Yemi Osibanjo being flown by the Miyetti Allah mafia just to take power back. Those of you who have fished before or who are conversant with the tricks of fishing, when you put an allure on a hook to bait a fish, you don't do that out of love for the fish but as a means to finally serve it on a dinner plate. But unbeknownst to the victim-fish, the flagellum being dangled before it is simply a manna from heaven or a bequeath of good water that keeps on giving? This is now the inconvenient truth with Nigerian Christians, especially those pentecostal Redeemers whom the APC and Muhammadu Buhari are baiting with the allure of a pastor vice presidential candidate. Icheoku says Muhammadu Buhari and his mafia fishermen are not dangling a pastor before Nigerian christian community out of love but simply to get their votes and later dump them alongside their pastor. 

So Nigerian christian community, Icheoku says be warned, because when it sounds too good to be true, it might as well be a phony so  you better watch out. The Fulani Mafia with their Southwestern collaborators have now deployed a joker from their bag of tricks in a pastor vice presidential candidate just to enable them get your votes and get back power. Please don't swallow the bait as it will not do you any good to trade in what you currently have, the pilot, for an anticipated mere co-pilot in the Nigeria airplane. As every Nigerian is probably quite aware, the office of the vice president has no constitutional powers but as much power as the president decides to allocate to it, period.  So it therefore necessarily follows that a very mean president can completely emasculate the vice president and convert him to a mere glorified clerk at Aso Rock. It happened with Olusegun Obasanjo regarding Abubakar Atiku whom he nearly impeached but failing, made his life a hellish nightmare which eventually forced Atiku into self exile.  It also happened with the late Umaru Yar'Adua regarding  Jonathan, during their early days before the president took ill. It later continued and became even worse such that then vice president Jonathan was totally excluded from the running of the government to the extent that he did not have any knowledge about the president's real state of health,  the president's being stealthily flown in the dead of the night into Nigeria and until he died. 

Going back in time, it is on record that Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida similarly used Ebitu Ukiwe to consolidate his coup and later frustrated him into resigning when he railroaded Nigeria into OIC without even having the courtesy of informing his supposed vice president or chief of staff? Even the midget of Kano, Sani Abacha's frosty relationship with his then vice president or chief of staff, Oladipo Diya, ended with Diya in handcuffs and condemned to death. Story even had it that during Shagari's government, the then Kaduna Mafia supplanted President Shehu Shagari's vice president Alex Ekwueme with Umaru DIkko, who in turn dictated everything that happened in Nigeria then. 

So why travel down this memory lane, one may ask? Icheoku in response is only endeavoring to illustrate that a Pastor Yemi Osibanjo might be similarly, equally used to get power and later dumped, like all these past vice presidents. Olusegun Obasanjo used Atiku and his PDM to secure power even after losing in the PDP convention to Alex Ekwueme; but after consolidating power, he still dumped Atiku. So what stops the Hausa/Fulani North-westerners from hijacking the Buhari presidency once the Osibanjo's job is done and then tell the Bola Tinubus of the Southwest to take a hike? President Umaru Yar'Adua did same after winning the presidency when he surrounded himself with only his trusted Fulanis from the Northwest as his kitchen staff and literally consigned the then vice president Goodluck Jonathan to the inner office as a glorified clerk at Aso Rock. 

Professor Wole Soyinka says history matters and that records are kept for a reason, not only to refresh faint memory but to serve as a guide for the future. So it if has severally happened before to somewhat have developed a pattern, with successive Nigerian presidents and heads of states so disrespectfully diminished their vice presidents offices and standing, what guarantee is there now to ensure that Yemi Osibanjo would be treat any differently. What layers of protection exist to ensure that a Pastor Yemi Osibanjo "vice president" would not be left out in the cold, once his job to help elect Buhari is finished,  at an inner recess somewhere inside Aso Rock; while the kitchen staff of a "President" Buhari conduct matters of state in core Fulani language which no untrained native ear is capable of understanding and repeatedly so treated until he is frustrated out and into dysfunctionality. Icheoku is not a seer nor a prophet, but foresees a Yemi Osibanjo who would certainly suffer the same fate in the hands of those people, who are already queued up and laying in wait like vultures of fortune, who will suddenly swoop in and play palace guards to a Muhammadu Buhari presidency. 

Icheoku says that the bait of Yemi Osinbajo should not be too tempting or irresistibly enticing to sway the votes of his fellow Redeemers and make them to abandon a president with real portfolio, real power over the purse and over the military, the police and other security agencies and settle for just an ordinary vice president without any constitutional real authority.  Query:-what would happen if Yemi Osibanjo becomes yet another any of these former vice presidents like Abubakar Atiku and Nigerians begin to once again witness the gathering of the usual Northwestern Hausa/Fulani clan, feasting alone on Nigeria national cake with their PASTOR vice president no where to be found around the table? 

For his so much love for the Yoruba Southwest which Muhammadu Buhari is now professing in his settling for Yemi Osibanjo as vice president, Icheoku rebuts that he stood-by, did nothing and silently watched as his compatriots annulled MKO Abiola election? Buhari also  stood silent when the same clique overthrew Ernest Shonekan interim government? Buhari stood quiet when the same cabal accused and nearly killed Oladipo Diya for a phantom coup treasonable felony? Buhari stood silent when the same anarchists murdered Kudirat Abiola, Pa Rewane as well as many other Yoruba notables? Icheoku adds that Muhammadu Buhari stood silent when the same Northwestern goombahs accused Olusegun Obasanjo of plotting a coup, convicted him and was waiting to execute him before the then Clinton White House intervened and they reluctantly commuted it to 25 years to life imprisonment. In service of their cause, the same Muhammadu Buhari accepted the juicy office of chairman of PTF from the same Sani Abacha, whom he later went on to eulogize as the best leader Nigeria ever had. Needless to add that Muhammadu Buhari's love for Yoruba Southwest made him cancel the Lagos Metro Line project just to mention but a few of his love for the Yorubas that is now making him tizzy. 

Anyway, Icheoku is not attempting to rehash a dirge here or preach to the choir once more on a Sunday, but just for the records and in case Icheoku would be so unfortunate to someday lament 'I told you so'. Concluding, Icheoku asks Nigerian Christian community to show Icheoku the evidence that their Pastor Osibanjo would be any different and would be a safe and secured vice president unlike his predecessors? Where is the confidence that it will not be deja vu the same people and their penchant for notoriously breaking their words? is there a possibility that they would, this time, stick to the bargain, once they are sworn in through their alter ego Muhammadu Buhari? Like the saying goes, the bird in hand is better than the many in the bushes; so why would Nigerian Christian community toy with the idea of just being merely accommodated and tolerated in a Buhari's Aso Rock when they already have the mansion's keys as well as the best room in the house. Icheoku maintains that a Redeemer pastor as Buhari's vice president, is merely a ploy deployed by the Hausa/Fulani mafia to snatch power back from the South; and thereafter they will do with power what they do best with power -  however they please. But Icheoku will not like to witness a baboon Yemi Osibanjo, who after all the election campaign's handwork, becomes translucent and invisible or at best a frosty mildew in Aso Rock, while the monkeys feast on the spoils of office. So Redeemers, other born-again and born-before Christians  as well as other Christians in Nigeria, be a wise fish, please don't take the Osibanjo bait. On February 14, 2015, VOTE GEJ.

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