Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Explosions from the Kosher store in Paris
Icheoku says the worst type of enemy is that within the house - the proverbial green snake in a green grass, and you ask yourself how do you protect yourself from it or go about fighting such enemy? What the world just witnessed in France last week is giving everybody some chill because if it is France today, who knows where next they would strike, leaving everyone pondering how safe indeed are we after all?  First it was Charlie Hebdo that fell to their murderous rampage, then two police officers including one who was gunned down publicly as he lay down on the pavement writhing in pain and begging for his life; followed by another female police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe who was  gunned down inside her patrol vehicle. Then a gas station was held up and robbed, followed by a printing shop showdown and then finally a grocery store where the last terror-exhibition took place. 

In all a total of twenty-two people lost their lives to the terror in Paris including the twelve at Charles Hebdo, the three terrorists, three police officers as well as four hostages, with so many others seriously injured and wounded. Icheoku says anybody who says he or she is not afraid and scared following the development in France is not only not telling the truth but is somehow deluded as to the implication and magnitude of the violence which these terrorists wrought on the general world psyche. But the world is very resilient and would, like many other terrifying experiences of the past, get over the terror of Paris. Lamentably though, no one knows what these Islamic thugs want nor what could be done to dissuade them from carrying out any future attacks. But as it stands now, only eternal vigilance is the key; and if only the neighbors of the two terrorist-brothers who had snooped into their weapons-filled apartment had said something by alerting the authorities. Vigilance and vigilance and more vigilance, please humanity!

Anyway, it is all now a Monday night quarter-backing as what happened has happened; and all the world can do is to pick itself up, pick the pieces and soldier on. If only someone somewhere has a solution to curb or stop this Islamic cancer fast metastasizing like a wild Harmattan-fire and threatening world peace and coexistence. How can just one religion or its adherents be causing this maximum havoc every time and everywhere; yet some people are employing political correctness by not naming the real culprit - a warped ideology that propagates this type of hatred and unverifiable redemption in an Utopia paradise? However, with this France terror, names like Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi, Amedy Coulibaly and Hayat Boumeddiene have become known throughout the world as the people who caused France to quake in fear, at least for the moment their terror lasted; also Charlie Hebdo has become a universally recognized name of a cartoon magazine. Anyway, life will and must go on and the Eiffel Tower lights would keep on shinning; and if only this Frenchy brush with Islamic terrorism would now make the West to have a change of mind and sell Nigeria some arms to enable them fight their own Islamic Boko Haram terror menace, Icheoku would be completely satisfied. 

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