Saturday, January 24, 2015


LIVE: President Barack Obama honoured to be back in India, says White House
Icheoku says this is what happens when a country has a bachelor-president or prime minister or head of state and a visiting foreign dignitary is  accompanied by a wife who will have no corresponding first lady to embrace and hold private tete-a-tete with. It happened in India during President Barack Obama's ongoing three day visit to that country of Mahtama Gandi and world famous Taj Mahal; as President Barack Obama is seen embracing the bachelor prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, and there is no India first lady to keep Mitchel Obama company. Icheoku says presidents and heads of states not having wives to serve as first ladies is increasingly becoming the norm these days with countries like France, Philippines and India as example of countries with bachelor presidents/prime minister holding the fort.

Anyway Icheoku has nothing against any man who decides to remain sane and not dabble into something he cannot adequately manage or maintain a grip over. But for any man to aspire to lead a nation, where both men and women abound, common sense dictates that such a man should have some female around him, whether wife or mistress, to help take care of women related matters such as when a Mitchel Obama accompanies her husband President Obama to visit, so that she will have someone to talk women issues  and gossip about other stuff with. Now imagine how a Mitchel is left starring into an openness, hoping that an Indian first lady would miraculously appear while her husband is in a warm embrace with the prime minister? 

However Indian Prime Minister made bold to state during his election campaigning that families sometimes cause public servants to be corrupt as they aspire to provide for them and their future generation? He convincingly won the last Indian election because Indians saw and believed in what he told them that because he has no family he will have no reason to steal from them since there is no one to bequeath it to. It worked as truth always does work and in Modi Indians see a truthful politician they can trust and they trusted him with their overwhelming vote and continuing goodwill. Icheoku will use the opportunity of this comment to once again congratulate Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his election as Indian leader and prays that all the good in his vision for a new working India would meet fulfillment. To President Barack Obama and First Lady Mitchel Obama, Icheoku says hope your Indian trip is meeting your expectations. Goodluck fellas.

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