Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Icheoku does not know about you but certainly that shoeless man from Otuoke needs to spend money buying some good advisers, instead of spending it all buying the shoes he never had growing up. How can any man, barely less than forty eight hours after calling his estranged godfather a motor park tout, go back crawling on his all fours to beg for his pardon and forgiveness? Did the president forgot he was dealing with the never forgiving OBJ? Icheoku queries what manner of manhood is in between his two legs that he should go back to his vomit so soon after throwing it up. Personally Icheoku does not care about this ball-less, shoeless and perhaps brain-less timid man from Rats behind, but whoever still cavorts with him should let him know he is one BIG disappointment to many men in Nigeria; except that Icheoku forgot that Dame "dar is god oooooo" is running the affairs in Aso Rock as well as his home. Now the Ota Deity has heightened the stake as he just declared that it is going to be "anybody but the weakling Jona". 

Icheoku says this is the problem of empowering very poor people because they readily forget where they were coming from. Like the proverbial Ozo title which a poor man finally managed to take, it usually gets into their head and sometimes translates to madness as instead of the normal two anklets they wear theirs all the way to the knee. Icheoku laments that this Jonathan is lately behaving and talking like someone whose faculty is heavily distressed. Icheoku advocates that in the future, poor people SHOULD never be allowed into the presidency or any leadership position in Nigeria; as it is not their portion to rule or preside over anyone. Imagine the man with PhD in animal science but who never read any literature on how to be an administrator of human beings including the non-elective, Machiavelli, The Prince now running around everywhere like a headless chicken looking for who will bail him out of the 2015 election. Jonathan, win or lose, will go down in history as very inept and unprepared for the office of presidency of Nigeria. Icheoku sometimes wished he got his PhD in some human beings related discipline and not on how chimpanzees interact in captivity of the zoo.

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