Monday, January 19, 2015


Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi

Icheoku says with extra pounds of unneeded flesh in excess of 250lbs and on a frame of less than six feet tall, the Enugu State PDP governorship candidate Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi might be an accident waiting to happen? Icheoku asks is the guy simply waiting to first explode or burst open, before he look at himself in the mirror with his eyes wide open and see that his size is a health emergency seriously knocking on his door? What would it take to sensitize the governor-in-the-waiting to truly understand that excessive weight is an unhealthy life risk and that he needs to declare a life emergency now and do something about his overweight obese condition. Icheoku calls on this guy to go forth and map out a Marshal plans geared towards drastically reducing and shedding off those extra load of flesh which no one needs and definitely not a guy soon to be burdened by the duties of running a state. The candidate needs all the health and lightness of both the head and body to properly function and function optimally too. 

Icheoku does not wish him any harm, but judging by how FAT he is, it is just a matter of time before something very catastrophic happens, either before or after his election as governor of Enugu State in 2015 or anytime soon thereafter? Icheoku is emphatic that the PDP governorship candidate is certainly overweight and there is nothing sexy nor healthy in bearing such extra load of flesh when he could easily do without it. But unfortunately his town criers and people leeching off him will be telling him only things musical to his ears and would be praising him for looking indeed "WELL FED"; but that is besides the point. The fact of the matter is that medical sciences have determined that excessive weight is dangerous and when added to the extra stress that is running a state, might jeopardize the person's life. Ironically too, the guy's pet name is "GBURUGBURU" which literally means "ROUNDLY", and you wonder if a name ever played this type of cruel joke on its bearer. 

Icheoku does not care what his town criers are probably telling him about his weight and deceitfully too; and it also does not matter to Icheoku how much he has made representing the people of his constituency in the National Assembly, but at least he has to be alive and healthy in order to enjoy his life. Moreso, as he is now answering the call for a higher office as soon to be  governor of Enugu State, he needs to smarten up his appearance and personal appeal, not political appeal, by losing some of these excess weight. Icheoku says the people of Enugu State want to enjoy his governance as well as its second term; but would not be happy to have a governor who will be in and out of the hospital or a governor who is battling debilitating diseases or who will fall victim of a sudden heart-attack by reason of being overweight. Icheoku maintains that being obese or over-weight is neither cool nor sexy; and the demands of the office of governor takes a toll on a person and an overweight person will be worse for it. Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, a "GBURUGBURU" governor in USA, was similarly overweight and was forced to do something about it. 

Furthermore, what type of a moral giver and health advisor would an overweight governor be to the young impressionable people of Enugu State, who will suddenly assume that it is suddenly okay to pack the pounds, after all their governor says so, with his own looks? Icheoku says the health negatives of having excessive weight is legion, including diabetes, gastroenteritis, arrhythmia, organ failure, apnea, lack of quality of life, laziness, clumsiness,   sluggishness, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hypertension, heart attack as a result of a heart laden with so much pumping-grounds to irrigate that it just can handle it anymore and suddenly packs up. Icheoku will not belabor this issue any further, but hereby urges and calls on Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, Enugu State Governor-in-the-waiting, to please loose some weight. If it means gastric bypass surgery, hiring a dietitian, a personal trainer or even doing personal FASTING, just get it done. Whatever it will take will be a good measure and an effort well undertaken; but please get rid of those excess pounds.

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