Saturday, January 24, 2015


Icheoku says this Election 2015, aside from voting for either a president, named Goodluck Jonathan, who is seeking a reelection to a second term and a desperately wanna-be president, named Muhammadu Buhari, who is running for the fourth time, eager to be allowed back into the seat of power, there are also so many other things that are on the ballot this February 14th election and which you should also be voting for in addition. They are subliminal, they present themselves in subtlety and they also manifest themselves by necessary implication, so read in between the fine-lines to fully unravel these burning underlying issues which are co-tailing the two candidates in this election.

So please don't just vote for the face on the ballot but try and also vote for those things which the candidate stands for and/or represents. With your votes, go behind the mask of their face and ensure that those things which are important to you but which are not visible to an ordinary onlooker are protected and then vote accordingly. As an informed voter, while casting your vote because you can, also vote because there are things dear to you which you want to see come to fruition. Please Nigerians, make your votes count and count for good causes only; but do not be beguiled by primordial sentiments of either religion or that 'it is now our turn to be president or that power must shift back to the North,' when the North does not own Nigeria. On the strength of the laid out premise and considering that the contending candidates are fully identified and known, Icheoku will now move on to explore the subliminal issues that are equally as important and which are gravely implicated in this election. Lets call them the 'other on the ballot issues in election 2015 and which will constitute 'the buy one get the others free' of election 2015.'

1. Born to rule mentality in on the ballot:- Icheoku says this February 14, the 'we are born to rule others but never for others to rule us' way of thinking is on the ballot. Any Nigerian who indeed believes in the sanctity of the constitutionally guaranteed equality of all Nigerians and their inalienable right to aspire to any office in the land including the presidency, should think through before casting his or her vote. Icheoku says if you vote for them and not for him, you are definitely part of the problem; as by your action and your vote, you are emboldening them in continuing their thinking that they are superior, the chosen ones. So make a difference in this election, with your vote, let them know that every Nigerian can aspire to be president and that presiding over Nigeria is not their Allah-given birthright. Like every other Nigerian, these people should also stay competitive and not just always wait for manna to be thrown on their laps from heaven and this includes the presidency of Nigeria. These people are not more endowed for the presidency or leadership of Nigerian  than any other Nigerian, whether the person is from Otuoke or Chibok or Sango Ota or Ntezi.

2. Democracy is on the ballot:- Icheoku says since Nigerians know how hard the fight to restore democracy in the land was and how long the distance traveled to get to the promise land of democracy was, no Nigerian should at this time toy with the idea of playing a rude joke with their democracy by allowing an avowed anti-democracy despot, named Muhammadu Buhari, to reap where he did not sow. Icheoku is emphatic that if Buhari killed democracy once before, he will kill it again; as the Buhari now is cut from the same old cloth of despotism and military authoritarianism as the Buhari of then; and that both Buharis are not given to consensus building inherent in a government of the people by the people and for the people. Icheoku says any spoiler or killer of democracy, like Muhammadu Buhari, should not be unduly rewarded with the gift of Nigeria's democracy, the presidency of Nigeria. To do this would be applauding EVIL and its dubiousness; otherwise where is the lesson learnt and/or deterrent that such misbehavior as toppling a duly elected government is not acceptable nor should be condoned and tolerated in any decent society. A coup plotter has no business or stake in a democracy and Buhari, being a serial coup plotter according to Governor Kwankwanso, should be so summarily dealt with as the pariah of democracy which he is.

3. Fairness is on the ballot. Icheoku says what is good for the goose is also good for the gander; therefore if a Yoruba-man had two terms at the presidency and a Fulani man had two terms at the presidency, admitted the second half was aborted by the same Muhammadu Buhari, then fairness dictates and demands that an Ijaw Otuoke man should not be shortchanged. Icheoku says if an Otuoke man is forced out of office today after only one term, tomorrow it might be an Afikpo man? If an Otuoke man is trampled out of office today, tomorrow it might be that woman of Chibok? If Nigerians allow this injustice of denying equal amount of terms at the presidency to be meted out to a Niger Delta South-south man, who knows what fate awaits that man from South-east or North-central or North-east tomorrow? Icheoku says fairness demands that President Jonathan Goodluck completes his region's two term at the presidency of Nigeria and any other thinking is abhorrent and should be resisted. So when you vote, have this knowledge as your companion in equity.

4. National Conference report is on the ballot. Icheoku says the last year's concluded very far-reaching report on how to restructure Nigeria will be thrown into the waste basket if the APC wins. Recall that the head honcho of APC Asiwaju Bola Tinubu rejected the composition of the national conference and threatened that Yoruba Southwest would boycott it, being against it. Icheoku says now that those naysayers have been proved wrong with a successful conclusion of the conference, their resounding recommendations need to be fully implemented. Icheoku says only Nigerians' smart voting would guarantee that the effort and resources that went into organizing this conference would not do to waste. So Nigerians, make the full implementation of the conference's recommendation possible, this February 14, vote to count and vote to be counted among the smart voters of Nigeria who secured and insured the recommendations of the National Conference. 

5. Oil blocks are on the ballot. Icheoku says mineral rights and licenses for majority of Nigeria's oil blocks, which are largely concentrated in the hands of Northern Nigerian Hausa/Fulanis, are due for renewal and would be maturing for re-licensing early next year. It is imperative that Nigerians know the faceless people who own these proprietary rights over our commonwealth as well as those who are fronting for those coup plotting retired army generals who have stealthily commandeered and appropriated all national assets of Nigerians for themselves and their families only. So when you vote on Valentines day, remember that the need to know this people who are fleecing the country is paramount and trumps over other mundane primordial interests and considerations, which ordinarily would have guided your voting decision. 

6. Internal independence is on the ballot:- Icheoku laments that long after Nigerians freed themselves from British colonial masters, another set of Hausa/Fulani internal colonialists have taken Nigerians hostage. Icheoku says in this election 2015, Nigerians must vote like they mean it and are desirous to secure their freedom from this people. So, with your vote, declare your independence Nigerians from these internal colonialists and tell them enough. These people are keeping Nigerians in bondage of perpetual servitude and only a complete  break-free from their chains and shackles would be acceptable this February 14. If they are the problem, your vote is the solution; so with your votes, solve the problem Nigerians. On February 14, please vote smartly because the British are gone and so also would these Hausa/Fulanis. 

7. Coup plotting is on the ballot:- Icheoku says plotting and/or carrying out a forcible change of government is a crime; hence anyone involved thereat in any capacity is a criminal. Except if the end now justifies the means for Nigerians, Icheoku maintains that Muhammadu Buhari is a CRIMINAL, who plotted and conspired with his fellow traducers of democracy, to unlawfully forcibly seize control of governance in Nigeria. Although not known to many, the coup of December 31st 1983 was also bloody as Brigadier Bako lost his life while trying to carry out his Buhari assigned role of arresting President Shehu Shagari at Aguda House Abuja. Icheoku maintains that the criminal coupist, Muhammadu Buhari, neither got a State pardon nor atoned for his crimes in any other manner and therefore still carries the stigma of a coup plotter and by extension a criminal. Therefore Nigerians must have this in mind when they vote on February 14 to either register a disapproval of Buhari's criminality or give a vote of approval to his criminal overthrow of a duly elected democratic government of President Shehu Shagari. 

8. Moving forward is on the ballot:- Icheoku says Nigerians have a choice to make this Valentines day 2015. Aside of affirming their respective love for their soul-mates or otherwise giving them the boot and moving on, Nigerians will also decide whether they agree with Fela that they are always taking one step forward and moving two steps backwards. A hallmark of a banana republic, going back to the dregs of yester-years is not an option in this election; so Nigerians must decide with their votes if it is okay to see their country as a banana republic or that the country has since moved on from such unneeded 'only "STRONG MEN" need apply for president' mentality. Icheoku says what Nigeria needs now are strong institutions and not a goddamn army-strong man to bully everybody around. Icheoku is emphatic that brain still trumps brawn, especially in the matter of governing a complex society like Nigeria.

9. Whether Nigeria is working for you is also on the ballot:- Icheoku maintains that between the trio of evil men Nigeria was cursed with - Obasanjo, Babangida and Buhari; and added the midget of Kano Sani Abacha's five years; together these three men from hell have been in power in Nigeria for a total of 29 long agonizing years. So for the greater part of Nigeria's life, these monsters have held it on a vice choke-hold; yet you wonder why things are the way they are? Query, if any of this men is any good, why did they not improve things in Nigeria such that Nigeria would not be the humpty-dumpty that is proving a monstrous challenge for the present government to fix. Icheoku does not know about you, but please think through your decision before you contribute to this anathema that helped ruin Nigeria and for such a long time. Enough of these stale and archaic pedestrian thinking that has not moved Nigeria forward and as far as its potential could otherwise have thrived. 

10. Liberating other Northerners is on the ballot:- For too long, everything and anything meant for the North has always ended up and been commandeered by the North-westerners. As at the last count, they ALONE have produced FIVE PRESIDENTS and heads of states in Nigeria. From Muritala Mohammed to Shehu Shagari to Muhammadu Buhari to Sani Abacha to Umaru Yar'Adua - all of them without an exception are from the Northwest. Now, once again they are busily queuing up and gearing to re-produced another president in the person of a recycled Muhammadu Buhari. Icheoku queries, is it only the Northerners from the Northwest that knows how to be president? How about those other Northerners from Northeast and North-central? Admitted that the North-westerners usually trace their right to everything and anything in Nigeria belonging to the North to their ancestry to Uthman Dan Fodio, who having captured and subjugated the other Northerners, are theirs for the asking but should this still remain germane in present day twenty first century Nigeria? Icheoku says helping these people in any way sustain this warped thinking is not healthy for the mind and psychology of these other Northerners. Icheoku says in this election, Nigerians must tell these North-westerners that Nigeria is not Saudi Arabia where kingship is hereditary; that every Nigerian including other Northerners are equally entitled to the office of the presidency of Nigeria.  That the story of Uthman Dan Fodio is a long distant history and should be confined to where it belongs - the past. So Nigerians, on February 14, vote to bring about this truth squarely and frontally to them. VOTE smartly and vote for a purpose and vote for a reason and vote because you care and vote because you matter. 

11. Obasanjo and Babangida relevance are on the ballot:- Strangely and to Icheoku's amazement, many Nigerians still defer to this two retired army men and you ask yourself why? What did they meaningfully contribute to the society that should earn them this relevance and reverence, giving them unmerited air of importance and as with some people, admiration? Look at Obasanjo, an incestuous adulterer who had sex with his son's wife Mojisola and who couldn't effectively run his family, but is swaggering everywhere and pretending to be Nigeria's president maker? Ditto Ibrahim Babangida, a bloody coupist and killer extra-ordinaire, who has the blood of so many Nigerians including Major Mba and 299 other army majors, running in his hand, also perambulating everywhere and parading himself as a king or rather president maker? Icheoku cringes each time Nigerians put this two munchkins on an elevated pedestal which they did not honorably merit nor deserve. Icheoku says this February 14, Nigerians must decide whether to free themselves from the clutches of this two dishonorable despicable fellows or forever remain captive of their imbecility. To be honest with you, Icheoku includes the immediate demise of this two men as prayer points, each time and each day, we are in prayerful supplication to God. Icheoku laments that as long as both men live, Nigeria will never know peace because they are the architects of all our troubles. 

12. Educated president matters and is equally on the ballot:- In as much as Icheoku does not belong to the school of thought that says a "PhD" is the it all; but we make bold to state that any future Nigerian leader should be educated enough to at least understand the workings of basic micro economics and some modicum of international relations. Icheoku says this twenty first century Nigeria should have no accommodation for a president with only a native intelligence. Regrettably, Mohammadu Buhari has no basic education and no certificate either to show in rebuttal of  the assertion. As a correlation therefore, Muhammadu Buhari is not educated enough to be president of present day Nigeria and therefore should not be allowed with your votes to become president. A time when blind men led the sighted is since gone and Nigerians cannot afford the old way of managing things when there is an option which can do without and does not include managing things. This February 14, vote like your mind is developed enough to think and think things through first, before making a decision. Vote with the full knowledge and awareness of all the ramifications and implications of once again having an illiterate ruler, moulded in the form of Buhari, preside over the collective affairs of Nigeria. Such idea is a no brainier and helping to foist it is treacherous; so please be wisely informed as you go inside the polling booth.

13. Freedom is on the ballot:- Icheoku was once kept out of Nigeria and for a long time because of hard political views and commentaries considered adverse by the government of the day, then. If you take a look at Saudi Arabia, you will see how reprehensible their rulers are that have kept their people so captive and so yoked down. Just recently, a blogger was sentenced to 1000 lashes for merely airing an online opinion on issues in the country. The said blogger is presently hospitalized and recovering from the first installment of 50 lashes from a scheduled 1000 lashes which was meted out to him. Imagine a common wide practice in a twenty first century world where people use social media to keep connected and air their opinion on issues, and such is considered an offense the piqued minds of the kingdom rulers? Icheoku says the fate of this Saudi Arabian blogger awaits all online dwellers and participants in a Muhammadu Buhari's Nigeria; except that the good Lord will not let it see the light of the day. Muhammadu Buhari did it before and would readily do it again. He is averse to criticism and does not accommodate divergent and disparate views. Muhammadu Buhari's Decree 4 is very instructive on what fate awaits Nigerian bloggers and FaceBookers in the unfortunate event he is ever let into the gates of Aso Rock. All his present pretensions not withstanding, Buhari has not changed his despotic ways and you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. So 21st century Nigerians, if you like the uninhibited freedom the Internet brings your way and which allows you to freely interact with other freedom loving peoples of the world, who sometimes even call their presidents names to their face and hearing, then for Jove's sake, DON'T even think about voting for Muhammadu Buhar. Icheoku says Muhammadu Buhari should only be good enough to be sighted in your rear view mirror as you cast your vote.  He will trample on your freedom of both expression and association and this is a fact of consequence. Don't let his handlers fool you, tell them thanks but no to their offer of a stale, dementia-stricken mind to lead and guide you in this twenty first century.

Finally Icheoku says the reasons why Muhammadu Buhari should be REJECTED is just too many to be fully encapsulated in this article or any other. So feel free to add your thoughts as you may deem fit; but conversely, do vote for Buhari and live to lament if only you had heeded the maxim CAVEAT EMPTOR. So Nigerians, now you know why Team Buhari and his Miyetti Allah followers are murderously itching to win the February election; a lot of good thing are at stake which they would gladly like ONLY to abort if you let them. Also they know that it is now or never as their old way of subjugating Nigerians would finally be buried with their failed candidate Buhari and they are fighting and clawing to remain relevant with a win, but only if you let them. However and luckily too, the election is still in the future and not already past; and so, the undecided voters in Nigeria still have time to see what the futuristic-thinking and looking Nigerians have already seen, that they have no inheritance in the son of Buhari named Muhammadu and cast their vote accordingly.

The Nigerian people as chief deciders in this election, still have all the difference to make in this election; and it is only them who will decide what is in their best interest and then vote accordingly. The Nigerian people will on Valentines day 2015 chose between President Jonathan and candidate Buhari whom to fall in love with and then be prepared to live with whatever fallout their vote begets. But like Joshua told the people of Israel, Icheoku says to Nigerians, choose you whom to vote for and intelligently too; as for Icheoku and family of well wishers, we have decided to pitch our tent of support to and are now fully vested in the reelection of the man from Otuoke named Jonathan. We are doing this not as a testimonial or for any other reason associated with Jonathan's performance or lack thereof this past years, but in fairness to their South-south Niger Delta zone, who are as entitled as any other zone in Nigeria to a two terms presidency. This 2015 is rightfully theirs to win the presidency and remain in charge of affairs in Nigeria as co-equal partners of Nigeria PLC.  Any other thing or thinking geared at dislocating this is a none starter and simply gibberish. This practice of allowing each region a two term stints at the presidency is time-tested, honored and still remains applicable in Nigeria and should not be unfairly changed midstream and now, simply because a minority is occupying the office. So on February 14, Icheoku asks you to VOTE fairly, wisely and smartly, VOTE GEJ.

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