Wednesday, December 10, 2014


"Forward, I pray, since we have come so far. And be it moon, or sun, or what you please. And if you please to call it a rush candle, henceforth I vow it shall be so for me." Katherine to Petruchio, William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew. 

Icheoku says just like the good old days of our great forebears, without all these unneeded arguments, a good wife should know how to capture, conquer, control and keep her husband captive and forever, without him even knowing it. But unfortunately many of them thought that femininity is no longer in vogue nor sexy; and are now fighting for a hostile take-over of the husband department too. Icheoku says were this the intention of the maker, may be there would have been just one sex created or according to the biblical account, both species would have been created equally and at the same time and from the same material? But woman was created to compliment men but not to supplant them.

But hey, the feminists take over of the world is nearing completion as they continue to wreck havoc in matrimony and has successfully removed the pride of family completeness of a father/husband, wife/mother and children. They now proudly flaunt their single parenthood of 'I am a single mom and proud, hurray!" "I belong to an association of single mothers, life is beautiful!" Icheoku says single dads also do exist but Icheoku prefers the good old fashioned family of dad, mom and kids any time any day as it was originally meant to be. Icheoku adds that parents are complimentary and never supplementary as each parent has their respective roles to play in raising their kids. 

Further, irrespective of the Mr Mom and/or Mrs Dad reversal of roles, commonly symptomatic of an evolving modern society, where shifting fortunes continuously reconfigures events, a respectful wife or adoring husband should always strive not to further compound things for the other spouse. But hey, love conquers all for those whom love still matters and means a thing and not all those hawkers and gawkers wanting it all. Icheoku salutes all ye that are still keeping it real as it was meant and supposed to be, despite the temptations and challenges that sometimes want to overwhelm and tempt you into joining the loose cannons! Icheoku appreciates you for all the sacrifices and your children are grateful too. Please forget the naysayers, stay the course and you shall be happy you did.

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