Tuesday, December 2, 2014


The type of leadership any politician would provide, whether a servant-leadership or a looter-in-chief leadership, is evident in the "do or die' attitude and near desperation of that politician in his or her quest for power. Having a selfless as opposed to a selfish, self-centered disposition, is the hallmark of a servant leader, which unfortunately is in a very short supply in Nigeria. Icheoku says apathy and political in-activism on the part of the voting electorates is helping institutionalize this loot-o-cracy by these greedy thieving politicians. Icheoku says it was the late Dee Sam Onunaka Mbakwe, governor emeritus of Imo State as it then was, who once said that the rat does not eat something which belongs to a person who is wide awake. Icheoku hence advises Nigerians to become very wide awake in order to stop these band of thieving politicians before they get access to the treasury by means of the ballot. 

Nigerians should just ask themselves, when has serving a people become by force; otherwise why  the desperation to secure power by any means necessary and thus giving credence to the end justifying the means? Icheoku says  these people cannot be so insanely possessed in their quest, if indeed they are merely motivated by their desire to render service to the electorates? But we all know that politics in Nigeria is the surest route to steal and steal, and amass stupendous wealth, none of which these politician actually needs; but which in the words of Imo State Governor Rochas Okorocha, helps guarantee that "our generations yet unborn shall never lack?" Icheoku condemns this attitude as crass gluttony exemplified and thievery of the worst kind, the taking of more than one actually needs by these politicians while starving millions of the people, of the little they need to in order to just stay alive.

Icheoku says who in his or her right mind, being so sincere  to serve the people, would borrow millions and sometimes billions of Naira, maim and kill people, as well as wrought all manners of other kinds of violence, just to secure the authority to "serve" the people?  Their cunning approach is usually a subterfuge they use to masquerade their ulterior intention to visit untold wreck on the peoples sovereign wealth once elected; which was aptly captured in the words of Professor Tam David West. According to TDW, "Aspirants who throw money around are public thieves, looters. The bribe money they offer is public money, our money, recycled to corrupt the public for their selfish ends. Why would anyone take the trouble to spend all his millions to buy votes to enable him serve the public? They have hidden agenda to mega-loot if elected. It’s because he knows that when you elect him, he would make it up in no time. Nigerians, lets say No, No, No, this time, to these band of politicians." Icheoku agrees with the learned professor of urology and says but are Nigerians listening to such wise counsel.

Please Nigerians, when next any of these rabble-rousers  come knocking at your door, tell him or her to take a hike as you are tired of listening to the "messianic" hogwash oozing from their mouth. Icheoku also will like you to demand a break from all these politician-desperadoes and pontificators, who are busily extolling how they would solve all Nigeria's problems once elected, by magically wanding every problem known to Nigerians away. Icheoku says these brand of politicians are deceiving Nigerians and they do not mean well for the country and would loot it into bankruptcy.  So when next any of them comes to you, asking for your vote or your understanding on why they are the best of the pack, and would like to serve you, please tell them thanks, but no, thanks. Alternatively, demand that they  pay you your own portion of the democratic dividend upfront; and/or that they should help you mow your lawn and see what type of a servant-leader they truly indeed are or intend to be if they comply. Please as 2015 comes into view, be vigilant, be active and do the needful not to let these rats into the treasury. Icheoku says this is the time to stop complaining about bad leadership by electing a good leadership. Salute!

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