Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Icheoku says sometimes the inner person or mind's true conception may be expressed in verbalized words including poetry and songs. The white hype, Taylor Swift, in one of her latest song, practically admitted that she is not what she actually appears to be?  The songstress, who Kanye West yanked a microphone from her mouth during a  nationally televised music award ceremony, impliedly admitted that she is a bitch and capable of inflicting dire emotional damage on any unsuspecting victim of her love or rather pretentious love? Icheoku says listen to her "BLANK SPACE" song and hear her admit "I am a NIGHTMARE dressed like a DAYDREAM"? Icheoku says what other admission by the person involved qualifies more than this one; or does any person still require further evidence to understand that a viper, whether or not dressed in human form, can pack a punch. So the world of lecherous men, beware; you have been put on notice and precisely warned  to stay off the big voltage power line that is TS.

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