Thursday, December 18, 2014


Icheoku says it is only a man so full of himself and in a rather comical and ironical way, that does not know when to pack it up and go? One of Kenny Rogers' song is very instructive on when to stop the gambling and call it a day. Icheoku says Russian strong man Vladimir Putin has reached that critical stage in his facedown with the West and should now do the needful in order to stop the bleeding Russians and their economy is currently undergoing. Icheoku says Putin should know that his strength is only perceived within Russia and similarly limited to inside Russia, but not when the entire civilized world is banded together against his aggression in Ukrainian Crimea as well as Eastern Ukraine. As a result, his bloated ego, his living in the past of a once "glorious" Soviet era coupled with his attitudinal cockiness,  has pushed his country's luck rather too far and today a once growing Russian economy is spiraling south and at a whirlwind pace, so fast, it hurts. Icheoku calls on Vladimir Putin to do the statesmanlike thing  and for the love of his fellow Russians and their economic well-being, help plug the increasing leakage of the country's economy. 
Their chief foreign exchange earner oil has taken a dive for the worse in the world market and is threatening to take down their currency Rouble along too. A result of now severely biting economic and monetary sanction imposed by the West and their Asia allies for his meddling in an otherwise purely internal affairs of a sister country, Ukraine. Icheoku adds that the government in Kiev was justified in trying to quell the uprising in its eastern region, their legitimate territory and no one including Putin's Russia has the right to question their action; after all the same Putin did it in Russian Chechnya. Icheoku therefore says that Russian lacks the moral standing to query the actions of Kiev and interfering in the internal affairs of the country is both wrong and condemnable and is here therefore condemned. Further, it is also wrong for Vladimir Putin to rush in and grab Ukrainian Crimea under the pretext that he was saving Russians there living. Such armed brigandage is an unacceptable behavior of a civilized modern day leader of a country as big as Russia. The days of acquiring territories of another by force is since over, the reason there is United Nations and no pretext whatsoever justifies Putin's land grab of Crimea. 
Icheoku says if those Russians living in Ukrainian territories no longer finds it home enough, they should like the Jews of the world are doing, vacate therefrom and move back to Russia but they must leave the land for its rightful owners. They are not allowed and must not be allowed to move with the land back to Russia. It is not done and should not be tolerated. It is akin to telling Israel to invade France, United States, Argentina or even Iran, simply because Jews live there and therefore those lands should automatically become Jewish lands? Icheoku says Putin lost the argument because there is no one country on earth that is purely homogeneous in population and Russia will not be an exception. Crimea as well as all the lands of Eastern Ukraine belong to Ukraine and any resident therein who does not like the fact that they speak Russian and are living in Ukraine, should simply migrate back to their own agreeable motherland; after all Russia is a vast country and would always find accommodation and space for all its returning Russian citizens from Ukraine and elsewhere. 
Icheoku says now the bleeding of the Russian economy must stop and only Vladimir Putin can do this. The war of world's economic supremacy cannot be won by Russia, not when they control none of its levers. The condition for lifting the sanction is not that strict, all Russia is expected to do is just vomit the swallowed Crimea and pull out Russian military from Eastern Ukraine. Thereafter, Russians can watch their Rouble roar back to life and peradventure Saudi Arabia would be persuaded to put a stop to the plummeting oil price so that Russians can reset and start building back lost territories of their now moribund economy. Icheoku says the people of Russia are hurting and even the rich is also becoming poorer due to loss of value of their monetary assets. What any feeling and caring leader would do now is whatever is needed to help stop this slide down a slippery slope. Icheoku says there is no ego that is too much at stake here because the primary reason for any leader's existence, is to protect his people. Putin should know that with the Western imposed sanction continuing erosion of their Rouble and the free-falling oil price that it is the Russian people that are at the tip of the spear and needs some immediate reprieve and NOW. Please Vladimir Putin, this is your "tear down this wall" moment, make the West lift the sanction, do what is needed.

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