Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Icheoku says when one thinks Nigeria's Boko Haram kidnap of hundreds of school girls which they later sold into slavery has topped it off, here comes the other marauding Islamic beasts of Pakistan, killing hundreds of school children. At least Boko Haram took their captives alive but the Pakistani Talibans were too blood thirsty and showed no mercy. The Taliban gunmen stormed a school in Peshawar and slaughtered over 140 school children and their teachers including their headmaster or principal in the worst of the worst barbarism ever witnessed in the restive Pakistan. Icheoku says give me Boko Haram's kidnapping Chibok school girls any day than the Pakistan Taliban massacring hundreds of innocent students in this manner. 

However this is not the first time a school massacre has ever taken place as Sandy Hook Elementary School New Jersey also witnessed such when an estranged man went into a kindergarten and killed over twenty school kids before killing himself. Unfortunately, these so many killings are beginning to numb peoples minds and also desensitize their humanity. Icheoku says but what led to this loss of innocence that the whole world is currently experiencing with virtually no peace anywhere. To the bereaved families in Penshawar Pakistan, Icheoku says please accept pour condolences and we pray your government gets a handle on the murderous Taliban insecurity situation in your country. 

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