Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Icheoku says  the continuing nuisance which Olusegun Obasanjo has lately become, to both President Jonathan and the Nigerian people, has indeed become a cancer which has to be cut off before it metastasizes. Like every cancer, if not treated or cut off at this stage is capable of taking the whole body down with it; and this is exactly what Olusegun Obasanjo is trying to do - take Nigeria down with him; or for there to be no more Nigeria left when he is dead and gone. Icheoku laments that Obasanjo's mindset which deludes him that he is an untouchable and to which he has become captive of, is trying to do him in. As he accelerates at a very top speed on his highway to hell autobahn, our prayer is that he does not take Nigeria with him when he rendezvous with Lucifer. 

Icheoku says Obasanjo presents a case of a patient with a  chronic and acute psychotic disorder, who goes into intermittent delusional psychosis, wherein he finds himself living in a space, alone, and over-confident in the   unassailability of his position. To Olusegun Obasanjo, it does not matter what the reality on the ground is, and provided his mind tells him the version of reality which he is comfortable with and wants to operate in, that is only what counts. This warped state of mind is currently serving as Obasanjo's navigational compass, as he continues to trudge in front of an approaching freight train that is the state of Nigeria. But luckily for him, the engineer/operator of the train, a man named Jonathan, is rather too disciplined and so God fearing that he is carefully applying his brakes, hoping to gradually ease an inebriated Obasanjo safely out of danger zone and not convert him into a hamburger. Icheoku will not take it and an Obasanjo will not and did not take it; likewise did every other former leader of Nigeria not take it and no future leader would be that magnanimous either, faced with such continuing arrant nonsensical provocations. Why Jonathan is accommodating this Obasanjo madness is beyond Icheoku's comprehension; a matter his dogs of war would have since abated by hog-tying and dumping Obasanjo into political irrelevance in Nigeria but for the man Jonathan.

Olusegun Obasanjo's mind is fixated on the rightness of his cause, which pursuit, is leading him into believing that as a 'co-president' of Nigeria, he can have his way as he pleases? He also believes that no person in Nigeria, including the legitimate sitting president, can do him anything or attempt to cage him or is even capable of reigning him in? Icheoku says this bigoted mindset is what is driving Obasanjo's pistons and nothing more, period. It is a peculiar idiosyncrasy which makes one to perceive things which are not there as being there. A confused reality situation, a near hallucinatory condition, which thrives, simply because one has so repeatedly done something or caused so much troubles and got away with them, without any consequence, and not being challenged either, then begins to assume the rightness and correctness of his action. To such a mind-afflicted person, it usually is, if I am not right, why is there no counter-argument or consequence  or challenge to my opinions or position? 

Around April 2014 Obasanjo was visiting Ethiopia and in his usual braggadocio, told how he is not afraid of anyone in Nigeria and rather, it is Nigerians that are afraid of him. Icheoku queries should a man with such a given mindset ever stop carrying out all his needless attacks and confrontations except his balloon is deflated? Your answer is as good as mine, but Icheoku maintains that Olusegun Obasanjo is daily growing impetuous simply because he thinks he is now an untouchable and that the Jonathan's government is deathly afraid of him. Icheoku says Olusegun Obasanjo is convinced that nothing can happen to him and this mentality is what is fueling his continuous attacks and confrontation of the president; and unless he is told ENOUGH, through some drastic action, he will continue to cause tension in the country as he inflicts reputation damage to the government and person of President Jonathan. 

Icheoku says if Sani Abacha had his way with Obasanjo and nearly killed him but for his late wife Stella's contacting Atlanta's former mayor Andrew Young, who contacted then President Bill Clinton, who made a threatening phone call to Abacha of a Grenada styled invasion of Nigeria should anything happen to Obasanjo, that Ota deity would have since rotten in an unmarked grave somewhere in Damaturu. But this is not to suggest that Obasanjo should be killed or harmed in any way, but to reiterate that a courageous head of state once went after him and the skies over Yorubaland did not cave in. Late President Umaru Yar'Adua, another courageous leader, was similarly readying himself to take on Obasanjo before the hands of death snatched him, thus once again restating that Obasanjo is not above the law but has been lucky, surviving thus far.

Icheoku says it was William Shakespeare who said in "Taming of the Shrew" that 'where two raging fires meet together they do consume the thing that fuels their fury. Adding that little fire do grow great with little wind; but extreme gust blows out fire." Icheoku says the only reason the Ota deity, is still prancing around and insulting every Nigerian's psyche, is because he has not been confronted just yet. So like a small fire, he is being prodded by the fanning which the needless attention to his reckless talks, brings his way. Icheoku says it is about time President Jonathan mans up, turn into a gust and blow out Obasanjo's fire; and let Obasanjo know that there cannot be two presidents at the same time in Nigeria. Enough of all these provocations from Olusegun Obasanjo, who himself would not tolerate half of what he is presently dishing out to President Jonathan. President Jonathan, Icheoku calls on you to just turn the dogs loose and let them do their job and bring all these mongrels to their senses. 

Obasanjo is running all over the place like a rabid dog and running his mouth as a leaky faucet simply because no countering fire for fire, scorch earth campaign, has been mounted by the timid Jonathan's government against him. Icheoku says it is about time President Jonathan mans up, develop some backbone and confront Olusegun Obasanjo once and for all; and also drum it right into his ears that there cannot be two sitting presidents in Nigeria at the same time. Olusegun Obasanjo has been sabotaging the Jonathan's government for quite sometime now, while President Jonathan, respectfully or rather timidly, looked the other way while the damage continues to mount. Why President Jonathan does not know or care to know that Obasanjo is bleeding his government's reputation baffles Icheoku a lot. Were Icheoku Jonathan, this Obasanjo distraction would have since been taken care of and in whatever way possible, even if it means the end justifying the means, provided this pesky mosquito is got rid of once and for all. 

Some fear of God need to be put in Olusegun Obasanjo to contain him or stop him or imprison him or even force him into exile if that is what it takes. Icheoku says it would appear that Nigerians including Olusegun Obasanjo himself do not enjoy the current liberty, freedom and peace in the country; so it maybe about time some barking and biting attack dogs are turned loose on the land if that is what it would take? May be that is what President Jonathan needs to do in order to gain and command some respect? Such might do  the trick otherwise this Obasanjo madness would continue to stir tension in the land and for a long time. It was Obasanjo that engineered the five PDP governors revolt? It was Obasanjo that engineered Aminu Tambuwal recalcitrant behavior, despite the fact that the same Tambuwal once disrespectfully ignored Obasanjo's plea to vacate the speaker-ship because the position was zoned to the Southwest? It was the same Obasanjo that used former and now dead Foreign Affairs Minister Ashiru to sabotage the Jonathan's foreign policies and the list goes on and on. 

Look at Olusegun Obasanjo speaking about a president being evil and Icheoku asks which evil-evil president killed his sitting Attorney General Bola Ige? Which evil-president killed Harry Marshall etc? Which evil-president killed Sultan of Sokoto Maccido alongside Senator Shagari as well as over 100 top Hausa/Fulani leaders in a staged plane crash? Even Ibrahim Babangida once broached the question including the numerous aircraft accidents that took place during Obasanjo despotic regime, masqueraded as a democracy?  Which evil-president killed some 16 army brigadiers and major generals in a staged plane crash on Mambilla plateau? Which evil-president imposed candidates all over the states, legislature etc? Which evil-president went through so many PDP party chairmen more than Icheoku has fingers on one of his hand? Which evil-president so frustrated his vice president that he ran off into exile? 

Further, which despotic evil-president kidnapped a sitting governor of a State and forced some others into exile fearing for their lives? Which evil-president closed down so many businesses which were employing thousands of Nigerians simply because he fell out with their proprietors and in his do or die style of politics, turned into a bull in a China shop, regardless of those Nigerians rendered jobless through his mindless action? Which evil-president forced nearly every state to be under PDP control and which evil-president refused to obey court orders? Which evil-president seized Lagos State revenue allocation simply because a Bola Tinubu controlled state questioned the disparity of Kano State number of local governments areas compared to Lagos and took measures to redress it? 

Continuing, Icheoku asks which evil-president continually festooned the floor of the National assembly with  banana peels, using millions of tax-payers and oil revenue money to bribe his way through and who spent a whipping 9billion Naira to effect the outcome of his failed Third Term agenda, which would have succeeded but for the courageous Ken Nnamani then led senate, who decided to publicly televise its debate? Which evil-president massacred Odi and Zaki Ibiam citizens of Nigeria and turned their homes into wasteland? Which evil-president supervised the Siemens and Halliburton bribery scandal running into hundreds of millions of dollars? Which evil-president gave away a Nigerian Bakassi community to Cameroon? Which evil-president committed sex acts including have carnal knowledge of his son Gbenga's wife Mojisola? Which evil-resident went from having zero-money when he first ran for office to becoming stupendously rich outside office? Which evil-president did all these and many more, yet has the guts to accuse another president of being EVIL? Icheoku says no matter the shortcomings of the President Jonathan's government, at least he has not committed nearly half the evil which Olusegun Obasanjo committed while he was the lord of the manor; yet the same Obasanjo had the temerity to call President Jonathan evil?

Icheoku just gets raving mad at this Obasanjo, each time he opens his foul mouth, cashing in on Nigerians known penchant for amnesia induced forgetfulness and saying what everybody knows is both incredible and incredulous. Nigerians appear to have so easily and so too soon, forgotten the slave camp which Nigeria was turned into under President Olusegun Obasanjo despotic government where everyone bowed and trembled under his suffocating presence. Icheoku once called for the arrest, trail and execution of Olusegun Obasanjo for all the crimes against humanity he committed while in office. With each day he lives thereafter, Icheoku has made conscious decision to stop wasting time on anything about him. But with every rule there are some exceptions and because the Ota deity has started Icheoku again with his recent diatribe and branding of President Jonathan as evil, Icheoku would once again say something? Hopefully, after this comment, Icheoku with much prayers for restraint, might not look the way of Olusegun Obasnjo again until the day his sorry obituary would be written and we pray it comes sooner than later. Icheoku says Olusegun Obasanjo is a cancer in the body of Nigeria and until the country rids itself of his presence, he will always be causing confusion and undue tension in the land. Icheoku laments that it is President Jonathan who allowed this seeming 'double-presidency' or co-presidency with Olusegun Obasanjo to persist in the country. As far as Obasanjo is concerned he still is the president or rather the de-facto president and the official president should submit to his authority. 

The rule number one is that there can never be two kings in a kingdom simultaneously and concurrently reigning. One of them must either be killed or banished in exile to make the reign of the one on the throne trouble-free. So for Jonathan to have piece of the mind, the de-facto president Obasanjo must be taken care of in whatever manner possible. At least if Jonathan does not know what to do, he can start the containment of this megalomaniac by indicting him for the murder of Sultan Macciddo of Sokoto; or at least set up a panel of inquiry to investigate how that plane was crashed. The Hausa/Fulani might interestingly shift their support from Obasanjo out of curiosity to say the least. The new guys on the block, across Nigeria's far northern border, in Ouagadougou, has just started investigating the killing of Thomas Sankara of thirty something odd years ago and somebody please tell Icheoku their target is not very clear and well known. 

Anyway, an Igbo adage says "Okro does not grow for those who know how to cook soup" otherwise what is going on with Olusegun Obasanjo in the country especially as it affects President Jonathan would have since been forced to  peter out. Icheoku says it requires courage on the part of President Jonathan to do the heavy lifting and get rid of this Olusegun Obasanjo, whose wife and children have rejected or at least shove him aside and out of the way and the heavens would not fall. It was done before and it could be done again. Nothing happened before and nothing will happen this time around. The only regret is that Icheoku forgot that the Ijaw man occupying Aso Rock has no balls and lacks the backbone to do the needful; otherwise the time to take out the vagabond of Ota is now. Just put him in the cold doldrums of Nigerian politics and forever. ENOUGH of him and enough of his continuing nuisance and causing tension in the land.

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