Thursday, December 4, 2014


Icheoku says at least with Ferguson, there was no video evidence of what happened; but when a video did indeed exist that recorded the broad daylight murder of a black-man in New York by white racist police officers and the grand jury still returned a not-to-be-indicted verdict, then something is terribly wrong in America and its justice or rather injustice system. Icheoku laments that the New York verdict is just another example of the numerous free passes constantly given to White police officers, who needlessly kill or mercilessly bludgeon black people and for no justifiable cause. Rodney King was brutally savaged by six Los Angeles white police officers without any consequence; ditto Amaduo Diallo who was toilet-plunger(ed) in the rectum by the same New York police department officers; Oscar Grant was not so lucky as he was shot to death while laying face down handcuffed and surrounded by several police officers at a train station in Oakland; Kelly Thomas was so brutally damaged too, as well as a host of many other such cases. 

Icheoku says it is increasingly becoming an imperative that something more than the usual peaceful marches and demonstration protests is needed to put senses back into such people that return such inexplicable verdicts and those police officers that triggered them in the first place. What a travesty and you wonder if this caught-on-tape killer-cop, Daniel Pantaleo, is not guilty, who else could ever be guilty? Icheoku asks has the life of a black-man in America become so trivial or are these white Americans waiting for a major earthquaking incident to happen involving a very top-heavy black person before an indictment could be secured of a white police killer? The latest New York victim, Eric Garner,  has no job and could not find a job either, and was merely retailing single cigarettes to enable him make some money to afford milk for his little girl and the white police man choked him to death and no indictment? It is also pertinent to note that using choke-hold on suspects is a prohibited act of the New York police department, yet the offending white police officer is neither indictable nor guilty? Icheoku says please give me a break America with this arrant racism. Rip Eric Garner and may Charles Barkley now feast on his dung with his rants over Ferguson.

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