Sunday, December 21, 2014


Lola Omotayo-OkoyeIcheoku says please get help and don't become a nightmare to people around you, reacting to some childhood molestation or some past bad experience or visiting the iniquities of your past life on an unfortunate victim who merely walked into your life but who did not cause or was the reason for your sadness or angry outbursts. Lola Omotayo-Okoye, the wife of Peter of the P'Square musical duo just did and today she is as wholesome as a fresh milk. Now hear her story:- 

"When I was a young girl in my early teens in high school, I was molested by a Catholic priest. I blamed myself I didn't tell anyone because I was ashamed; I couldn't tell anyone because everyone would blame me, so I carried on the guilt and bitterness with me for years. I was filled with hate and I became an angry person. I was rebellious and didn't want to listen to anybody. I later sought help from a counsellor and today I am whole again, a happy woman." 

Icheoku says way to go and even better because she is sharing the experience in order to help other similarly situated women seek the help they need.

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