Saturday, December 6, 2014


It is not what you do but how you do it. It is not  what you wear but how you fittingly wear it. It is not who you are but how you carry yourself. It is not what you drive but how you drive it. It is not who you know but whether that knowledge makes you a better person. It is not who you are with but what that person thinks of you. It is not where you have been but whether that experience enriched you. It is not in where you live but how you live in it.
So, now you know that it does not behove on you to profess your classiness as it does not lie in the mouth to say you are classy. Let witnesses bear the testimony and judge you accordingly. Your actions and reactions to issues and matters, as well as what comes out of your mouth should also be able to back up their assessment either way. As a checklist always ask yourself:- when you talk, do you communicate? When you listen, do you hear? When you look, do you see? When you complain, do you nag?  When you walk, are you aware? When you get mad, do you blow off the gasket? Above all do you have compassion for the little guys and gals you meet along your way? 
Also remember that the high decibel of shouting or screaming out your lungs usually turns people off and tunes them out from whatever you may be trying to get across. Be civil in your conduct and civilized in your manners. I am Icheoku and I approve this message that being classy is a way of life but not an act or show; it is often imitated but never duplicated!

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