Thursday, December 25, 2014


Icheoku says the APC presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari, has made a big leap forward. By finally humbling himself enough to learn the evolutionary trend in modern technology, several decades since he took a sabbatical and literally went into hibernation therefrom, he has now rejoined the 21st century world? Icheoku commends this his acceptance that things you don't know, you should be humble enough to learn and hereby applauds him for doing this. Admitted it is somewhat seemingly belated, but being late is always better than never; and just like whether or not one can learn being left-handed in an old age is debatable, the old aphorism 'you cannot teach an old dog new tricks' has equally been laid to rest by Caesar, the dog whisperer. 

Icheoku says by now becoming Internet literate and savvy, plunging himself head-first into smart technology, Muhammadu  Buhari has shown that he is not impervious to correction and that he is amenable to learning new things and new ways of doing things? Icheoku says this quality of being adaptable and able to change to a majority's ways or opinion is virtuous and we hereby commend Buhari for the sea-change too. Possibly too, Buhari will also be able to accept that in a democracy, different people from different parts of the polity, come together to decide and determine their fate; instead of just one man in khaki uniform dictating what is good for every citizen. Icheoku says it is a very big deal that Muhammadu Buhari has finally learnt how to surf the web and also make use of it, texting, tweeting and face-booking, and we commend him for this.  

It is also instructive that by starring into the screen of a fruit of Western education, Muhammadu Buhari has emphatically debunked Boko Haram's campaign of terror's theme that Western education is dangerous and hopefully, Abubakar Shekau will similarly agree. Further by enmeshing himself into smart technology, Muhammadu Buhari has also put Nasir El Rufai to shame by refuting his claim that he, Buhari, thinks that Blackberry is a fruit. Icheoku asserts that now that Muhammadu Buhari is fully seized of the benefits of Western education, pushing a button and instantly the whole world gets his message, it will be much easier to bring his Northern almajiris at par with their so far gone Southerners and this will also help in bridging the gap of misunderstanding between the two polar opposites of the Nigeria great divide. Icheoku is deeply moved by this new humbled Buhari and indeed feels it is a new day in the life of Muhammadu Buhari; as well as the greater Nigerians in general, because lack of understanding and mutual suspicion is always the biggest problem between people. So when people communicate, they can more peacefully resolve their problems and modern technology aids that.

Icheoku says way to go Buhari and may you stay competitive in 2015; but first you must apologize to Nigerians for the highhandedness of your first time around. Please apologize to Nigerians now and let your campaign earnestly begin.  Icheoku says Muhammadu Buhari has solved his religious fanaticism problem by accepting the imposed pastor Osibanjo for a running mate; he has also now successfully re-educated himself enough to be able to engage in modern day social media texts, messages, tweets and Facebooks; all that remains now is for him to apologize to Nigerians and let us all move on. Hopefully he will get this done before Valentine's day 2015 when Nigerians will decide who to fall in love with, whether Jonathan/Namadi or Buhari/Osibanjo. 

Icheoku maintains that this is indeed one heck of a good PR photograph, no doubt; may be the reason Dele Alake was chosen instead of Joe Igbokwe as the director of Media and Communication of the Buhari campaign? Icheoku says may the Buhari's team continue to drive the narrative in this direction - completely re-branding a man that has come to be identified as being too old, nearly obsolete and out of touch. Icheoku says Team Jonathan and his PDP must wake up and face this 2015 Buhari's challenge as very serious and more determined than past ones; and with every minuscule of sinew in their body, fight as a cornered animal would. The threat to their hold unto power is more formidable today than it was in the previous years and the possibility of its fruition, more lucent than opaque. Icheoku warns that any attempt to dismissively wage this campaign based on past triumphs over Buhari might surprisingly leave the PDP wondering what hit them on the day after Valentine's day 2015. To Team-Jonathan and Team-Buhari, Icheoku says all the best and may God/Allah speed you through.

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