Sunday, December 7, 2014


"Continuing references to human rights violations by the Nigerian military will carry more credibility if they come from the Vatican which gave up fighting wars centuries ago, than from the United States whose favourite weapon, the drone, makes no distinction between civilians and combatants. I believe the term “collateral damage” was coined by Colin Powell to justify the often appalling civilian casualties that resulted from United States military activities abroad." - Professor Bolaji Akinyemi, criticizing American government's skewed excuse  of human rights violations by the Nigerian army as reason for refusing to sell arms to Nigeria to enable them fight Boko Haram.

Icheoku says the Americans apply laws and implement their foreign policies as it suits their interests; otherwise which country is more despotic, with glaring gross human rights violations throughout the face of the earth than the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which continues to strictly enforce barbaric Wahabism-based Sharia law, while still  enjoying the coziest relationship with America? Icheoku adds that Abu Ghriab was not a Nigeria's army making? Also please do not mention that Palestine is suffering untold inhumanity in the hands of the proverbial 51st State of the United States of America located in the Middle East? 

Russia crushed Chechnya rebels with America's assistance and the world knew how humane and nicely done that campaign was? The Brits in their Northern Ireland campaign also tapped into America's help as well as during their battle with Argentina over Falklands Island and they were  "noticeably" Mother Theresa-like when they fired and sank a retreating Argentinian navy ship with over five hundred sailors on board, who are still resting in their Atlantic Ocean watery graves as Icheoku keys away this piece? When Saddam Hussein held sway and was gassing his fellow citizens with nerve gas, who manufactured and supplied those fumes to him?  Vietnam, Japan, Germany, Mexico, Cuba, Panama, Nicaragua, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, North Korea etc are all escapades that should be better wished away as if they never happened?

Anyway it is world geo-politics and it is what it is. This is  what is causing Nigeria's inability to procure weapons from anywhere since the Americans said no to their offer to buy. Armament manufacture and supply is a business controlled mostly by America; and because they also have the biggest weapons market as the largest procurer and consumer of weaponry, no country would want to be shut-out from the American market by provoking the Americans by dealing with Nigeria. Therefore a somewhat pariah(ed) Nigeria would find it extremely difficult, barring resort to the black market, to find any country willing to do arms business with it once America does not give them the green light to so do? 

It is a matter made more laughable  because America, a supposedly Christian country fighting Islamic terrorists everywhere else in the world, is rather looking the other way while an Islamic terrorist group, Boko Haram, is wrecking havoc in a country presently under a Christian headship? In other terrorists-infested places, America is begging for volunteers to be freely equipped to help fight the terrorists; but Nigeria, with a standing army ready to fight the same type of terrorists, is even begging to BUY weapons, yet the Americans would not let them? Is anybody smelling the same rat which is fouling the air around Icheoku's nostrils in this double-standards?

Icheoku asks why is fighting Islamic Al-Queida and ISIS terrorists good enough but fighting a similarly murderous Islamic terrorist Boko Haram off the radar for the Americans? The only fathomable reason is that Saudi Arabia has interest in the outcome of the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria and they often trade deals with the United States in a quid pro quo fashion; so America is probably letting them navigate the Nigerian situation. So until the christian president of Nigeria goes and the House of Saud retakes their premium African country as a puppet master, Boko Haram would continue to have a free range in Northeast Nigeria. The Americans would not like to spite their Middle East oil mafia, who helps them control the valve of world's oil supply, by directly intervening in the Boko Haram crisis by providing arms to Nigeria. It is horse-trading at its best. 

On a hindsight however, Icheoku laments that had the Nigerian government after the Biafran war, not been so vindictive and wiped out 'Biafran Weapons and Ordinance Development Agency', may be Nigeria would have since become an arms exporting country and not the arms-beggarly nation who America is snubbing and refusing to sell arms to?  But if only the genocidal Yakubu Gowon and his band of marauders had tapped into the ingenuity that birthed ogbunigwe, Ojukwu bucket as well as many other allied weapons and ordinance that were invented by the good brains of Biafra as demanded by the exigency of the time. But that discussion would be left for another time. 

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