Saturday, December 27, 2014


Icheoku says it is crass stubbornness for anyone not to know when to patiently kneel down or bend over for a whirling wind to blow through. It is also a full-steam stupidity for anyone, fully aware of the catastrophic consequence a failure to yield would bring about, chooses not to proactively avert it anyway. Icheoku laments that unfortunately, with Muhammadu Buhari and so many other Nigerians, they don't usually read situations correctly enough, to know when to backdown and watch the three little words "I am sorry" do the magic. Many atimes, people stubbornly cling to the righteousness indignation of their positions, while forgetting that it is their victim but not them, who was offended and who reserves the right to determine or decide whether or not they were so offended or hurt or injured by their action. 

Icheoku says this attitudinal stonewalling inures because as far as these perpetrators are concerned, they acted rightly in their judgment, otherwise they would not have so acted in the first place. This is why there is prosecution for crimes and actions in tort for civil violations in order to hold the aggressive party accountable, otherwise they will proudly walk away thinking they caused no damage or hurt by what they did or that they were justified in doing it. So Icheoku is saying that a more rational, introspective and reflective Muhammadu Buhari, instead of beating his hands on his chest that he acted in the best interest of Nigerians when he visited his draconian rule on the country previously, would make a mea culpa and say to Nigerians, "please if I was too high-handed in my past life with you, I did not mean to be so; but in any event, I am sorry if my actions turned out that way. Please forgive me and I promise to do better next time." 

As simple as that and by now, all these hysteric conceptions or misconceptions about who indeed Muhammadu Buhari is or the type of president he would be if elected, would have since been laid to rest. But unfortunately, Mohammadu Buhari, instead of the doing what is needed to give his campaign some boost and in the typical Nigerian fashion, is  stonewalling and being overtly defensive in the face of a mountain of accusations of his despotism during his first time around. Icheoku is emphatic that it is this Buhari's attitude of self righteous justification, rather than who he is or what he represents, that is keeping him away and out of the gate of Aso Rock all these years of his futile attempts. Like many people, including a lot of Nigerians, who always believe they are right and the other side is wrong, Buhari wrongly believes his actions were justified, hence no need to apologize for what he did wrong. Icheoku says this is the curse of Buhari and this also ruins so many other relationships such as when one party continuously defaults to a position of wrongful claim of right not ever listening to the other side's point of view, until that other side is forced to finally say enough, to hell with you. 

Icheoku is convinced that were Buhari to humble himself enough into doing this, sincerely apologize for his past draconian rule or its perception, things will certainly turn around for him politically and for the better. But until Buhari so realizes and so apologizes, what is hounding his political fortunes in Nigeria will not cease nor stop, but would only grow more intense. It is the affliction of Nigerians - crass stubbornness which often shares a fine thin-line with stupidity, and regrettably, many Nigerians do not know when they cross that line. But hey, Muhammadu Buhari's obstinacy is conversely benefiting Jonathan's second term quest; so it is his alone to abate or make amends if he desires to see a different outcome from his usual past 'thanks, but no' response by Nigerians. So APC and  Muhammadu Buhari, now you know what to do, over to you!

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