Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Icheoku says 12/24/14 was exactly a full calendar year - day to day, night to night, that no naked female or male or animal shared Icheoku's private moment and I say congratulations to myself. So 2014 will go on record and is now officially declared the ONLY year in the life of an adult man that no wine was poured into any vessel and neither was any water passed under any bridge howsoever. 

From a frequent flyer miles to now zero flight record, that is incredible but a true story! Icheoku never thought it was possible or doable, until it was pulled off;  done principally for reassurance and to prove a point that a man can go without, despite all the needless accusations of the ever suspicious female specie, including companions and spouses. Icheoku says from garnered experience, all it takes is to get really busy and to stay so mentally preoccupied, that there is no free space to think about the apple. But for the new year, ....???

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