Monday, December 1, 2014


“I think that Obasanjo is a spoiler who does not want to sit in podium of great and revered political leaders across the world. Such action as he has taken do not behold well of a man who is suppose to be an elder statesman. The statement (he made) may be true and self evident in terms of executive corruption in Nigeria at all levels particularly at the Federal and State government levels, and in terms of increasing legislative rascality that we have been witnessing from the National Assembly particularly the House of Representatives. All these allegations may be true but there are certain question that need be asked. Firstly, how did Obasanjo perform as President of Nigeria?

Was it not in his time that corruption was elevated to a doctrine and a fundamental objective and directive principle of state policy? Was it not during his time that Ghana Must Go bags where seen being physically carried from House of one legislator to another either to remove an existing Senate President or to perpetuate his third-term agenda. Was it not during his time that the greatest economic and financial scandal in Nigeria’s history, the Siemens and Halliburton scandals were re-enacted? Was it not during his reign that the Petroleum Trust Fund and Petroleum Equalisation fund became a nest of indelible corruption? 

Was it not during his time that two major towns in Nigeria- Odi in Bayelsa and Zaki Ibiam in Benue State where mindlessly destroyed and leveled to the ground by rampaging military men in a manner that portended genocide, where many people, animals and properties where wiped out from the fave of the earth? Was it not during his time that Nigeria won the Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies in corruption under the Transparency International Corruption index? There are more decent ways and manner in which a former president can channel his grievances to a sitting president and the National Assembly, all of which are open to him without question (but he choose otherwise)." - Mike Ozehkome, lawyer and activist, taking on Ota deity Olusegun Obasanjo for his continued meddlesomeness in Nigeria. Icheoku says Mike Ozehkome spoke for Icheoku as well as millions of Nigerians who hereby admonishes Olusegun Obasanjo to just go away and disappear out of sight. Enough of this Obasanjo's Pharisees complex.

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