Sunday, November 9, 2014


”When I say that the Presidency must come to the north next year I am referring to the Hausa-Fulani core north and not any northern Christian or Muslim minority tribe. The Christians in the north are nothing and the Muslim minorities in the north know that when we are talking about leadership in the north and in Nigeria, Allah has given it to us, the Hausa-Fulani. They can grumble, moan and groan as much as they want but each time they go into their bedrooms to meet their wives and each time they get on their prayer mats to begin their prayers, it is we the Fulani that they think of, that they fear, that they bow to and that they pray for. Some of them are even ready to give us their wives and daughters for one nights sport and pleasure. They owe us everything. This is because we gave them Islam through the great Jihad waged by Sheik Uthman Dan Fodio.

We also captured Ilorin, killed their local King and installed our Fulani Emir. We took that ancient town away from the barbarian Yoruba and their filthy pagan gods. We liberated all these places and all these people by imposing Islam on them by force. It was either the Koran or the sword and most of them chose the Koran. In return for the good works of our forefathers Allah, through the British, gave us Nigeria to rule and to do with as we please. Since 1960 we have been doing that and we intend to continue. The Igbo tried to stop us in 1966 and between 1967 and 1969 they paid a terrible price. They were brought to heel and since then they have been broken. No Goodluck or anyone else will stop us from taking back our power next year. We will kill, maim, destroy and turn this country into Africa’s biggest war zone and refugee camp if they try it.

Many say we are behind Boko Haram. My answer is what do you expect? We do not have economic power or intellectual power. All we have is political power and they want to take even that from us. We must fight and we will fight back in order to keep it. They have brought in the infidels from America and the pigs from Israel to help them but they will fail. The war has just begun, the Mujaheddin are more than ready and by Allah we shall win. If they don’t want an ISIS in Nigeria then they must give us back the Presidency and our political power. Their soldiers are killing our warriors and our people every day but mark this: even if it takes one hundred years we will have our revenge. Every Fulani man that they kill is a debt that will be repaid even if it takes 100 years. The Fulani have very long memories”. - Aliyu Gwarzo, Muhammadu Buhari's cousin from Kano State.

Icheoku says you have heard it; call it the rantings of a demented mind and a Boko Haram sympathizer if you like, but know it is at your own risk. It is apparent from the way these Hausa/Fulani people are acting and parading themselves that Aliyu Gwarzo surely spoke their mind,  admitted he might have prematurely leaked what they had up their sleeves all these while. That they are waiting to someday avenge a supposed sidelining is quite obvious but Icheoku cautions Nigerians to remain eternally vigilant. Icheoku says if you do not believe Aliyu Gwarzo, Icheoku does and says sooner or later the South-south Niger Delta as well as some Southeast Igbo people would hear from these marauders soon and as soon as they get "their" back power. 

icheoku says instead of waiting for this Armageddon prophesy to come true, why not simply solve the problem by dividing the country so that they can have their own Islamic caliphate to rule before they plunge the country into eternal darkness. They do not care about human lives and violence is their choice stock of trade and they would not mind maiming and killing everyone to achieve their objective or destroy the country in the process or its attempt? Icheoku says it does not matter also whether or not Aliyu Gwarzo's views represents the thinking of the  entire Hausa-Fulani people, but he sure do rehash a well known and recurrent decimal of a pattern of behavior common to this people. 

According to one commentator, Aliyu Gwarzo's views do "represent a tendency which is, more often than not, kept as hidden and as secret as possible until its execution. Then it will be too late to prevent and what follows is a river of blood flowing from hapless and defenseless innocent victims who would have been wondering why these people cannot move on from their past stone-age behavior and become a civilized behaving part of humanity. Seriously, Icheoku is ashamed to  share the same humanity with people who pride themselves in shedding innocent human blood and for the slightest provocation and/or trifle reason, some bothering from the insane to the mundane, and all especially in the name of religion. Icheoku queries, why can't Allah or God or Yahweh or Buddha or even Baal fight their own wars by themselves, instead of allowing or permitting or tolerating these murderers, fighting and killing and maiming people, on their behalves? 

It is not a civilized behavior and should not be tolerated in any civilized society. What a pitiful wretch, this son of a Fulani bitch is, that uttered such foul statements. Nigerians should be prepared to face down these mongrels whenever they are ready to put their money where their mouth is. Enough of all these bomb throwing threats. Imagine their jihad which was fought centuries ago, using horse-back mounted jihadists with machetes, bows and arrows; against modern day technological warfare of drones and tomahawks, yet this guy is grandstanding on an Uthman dan Fodio's escapade, which levied untoward carnage and mayhem on defenseless people? Anyway may God and Allah save Nigerians from these marauders and jointly prevent the foreboding from ever coming to pass IJN or IMN.

1 comment:

  1. You believe the woman has a right to do anything with her body?? I guess you mean including murdering another body in her womb. I chuckled though at your hypocrisy that you believe in the right to bear arms for defense but believe that defenseless babies in the women should not be defended. I am a Conservative Republican. Great job here anyway about my country Nigeria
