Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Icheoku says millions of Obama voters sat out last Tuesday's midterm election largely in part as protest against the shabby treatment being continually meted out to the president because he has the "wrong" skin type and color for an occupant of "their" White House? They also boycotted the election due to lack of interest because they have literally no dog in the fight since their dear President Obama was not on the ballot, hence no compelling reason to show up and show him some loving solidarity. Lastly, Obama voters are disillusioned that nothing hugely beneficial to them has occurred since the last time they twice, trooped out enmass to vote the democrat into office, alongside his many co-tails. 

But unfortunately and laughably too, election pundits have been glossing over this very fact that there are millions of committed Obama loyalists and voters, who only care to vote in an election when the president is on the ballot. Instead they have been piling up on the president as if he was ran for office again and blamed him for the loss recorded by the Democrats. Icheoku says these pin-head analysts failed to acknowledge that the president was not on the ballot nor did he ask for anyone's vote and was also not even allowed to campaign for and by any of those democratic party losers, who Icheoku strongly believe would have fared better had Obama campaigned for them. So why now blame a person who was not in anyway connected or engaged in the election except that it must be pinned on him and they albeit tried, but failed. 

Icheoku categorically maintains that were President Obama to have ran for a third term, he would have still have won; and any naysayer or doubter should rejig the constitution making it permissible for him to run for a third term and Americans would see him reelected and sworn in for the third term. Icheoku says democrats did not lose because of Obama or his policies, but their incompetence and because they distanced themselves from the president and many of his laudable landmark achievements? Imagine in Kentucky where Obama care has helped hundreds of thousands of indigent citizens get health care coverage and yet the democrat running against Mitch McConnel failed and refused to campaign on this president's achievement which was very popular in that Appalachian country, even among hillbillies hill dwellers and their hicks. 

As an Obama voter, Icheoku was particularly ticked off by the avoidance-treatment those democrats running for offices gave to the president and forbade his appearance in their campaigns. Some of these candidates even went to the sorry extent of denying their closeness to the president and/or that they even ever voted for any of the president's policies? Icheoku says these people deserved what befell them as they should not be representing anyone for lack of  backbones and for not having a strong constitution befitting of a representative. Icheoku says it was very disrespectful of these democrats to so distance and sideline the president during their campaign, due to what noisier far right wingers would like Americans to believe, that they have a non performing president?  Icheoku says history matters and records are not kept just to refresh memory but as evidence of what was in order to make fair judgment as to what would be. President Obama's records of achievements are there for Americans to see and judge, except no one in the democrat party was pushing or promoting them. 

So what really happened was that while voting democrats especially Obama's voters were being turned off and out from the election, the republicans were busy massively mobilizing their zealotry voters to vote and the result is now better left for history to judge. This also affected the overall turnout for the election which stood at 31% in some areas with some voting groups registered far less than 13% turnout. If not, why would a second term president, presiding over the best economic recovery in recent years, with jobs being created and the stock market doing so well, with two wars ended, is still being held responsible for the democrat losing the midterm election. 

Icheoku says President Obama did not lose any election nor did he cause any democrat to lose int he election, it was those spineless  democrats who rebuffed him, who lost the election. Their  ill-treatment of the president incensed Obama-voters, who in turn, hit back at them by boycotting the election, in protest. They wanted to send a message and in fact did send a message that they matter and that the president they care for, should not be so constantly under appreciated  and harangued just because his skin color is different from the acceptable standard color. What an election that was needlessly thrown out by the democrats due to fear and lack of courage to man up and stand with their president and that was how their cookie crumbled. 

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