Monday, November 24, 2014


Icheoku says the man who served three terms as Mayor of Washington DC and nearly ended his political career in a drug controversy is dead. Former Washington DC mayor Marion Barry died of hypertensive cardiovascular disease aided by kidney disease and diabetes.  Marion Barry was 78 years old. 
Icheoku recalls that Marion Barry became known as the cocaine-snorting mayor of Washington DC following his burst in a hotel by the FBI, snorting the white stuff. He went to prison and came back to reestablish his political career but it floundered, although he later was elected as a councillor representing his district.  At last Marion Barry has conclusively, finally parted ways with his drug habit, now dead; as the dead can do no wrong nor break any law again, including illegal drug use. 
Icheoku says all his good works as mayor and political activist notwithstanding, Marion Barry would be remembered mostly, especially by his detractors, as the cocaine snorting mayor of Washington DC. Icheoku says rest in peace mayor and if you see the white substance up there, please look the other way. Adieu Barry!

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