Monday, November 17, 2014


kkmiddle(rgb)watermark.jpgIcheoku says not many husbands would permit, tolerate or be comfortable with the idea of their wife baring it all for the ogling world? But not when such a husband is Kanye West as Icheoku begins to wonder if any person is actually in charge or is it all system goes in the household of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian? Admitted that both are in the show business, but is there no longer limits to decency and what is acceptable public exposure and display? 

Icheoku must concede however that what the world is beholding in a naked KimKad is very palliative to the eyes; especially a mother, who once gained enormous weight while carrying the pregnancy of baby Northwest. A near perfect flawless body, with no blemish, birthmarks, baby stretch-marks or any other sundry junk hanging around her midriff. Icheoku says it is commendable also that she was able to push herself so hard into losing those fleshy excesses and now maintains such a killer body. Well-done KimKad.

It is also on record that Nick Carter, the soon to be ex-husband of Maria Carey, not too long ago, went public on Howard Stein's radio show, to admit that he had romps with Kim Kadashian? Reliable sources has it that a jealous Mariah Carey could not stand that her man would so publicly admit to having sexual relations with such a public figure as KimKad and their marriage never recovered ever since, leading to their recent filing of divorce. 

Anyway, it is KimKad and her product, her body, which she is doing a great job marketing and optimally well too, as  verifiable returns on investment shows. As for her husband Kanye West, Icheoku says bravo that you could take and put up with such a wild woman as a wife, who did not care nor give a damn about sharing your private possession, that is supposedly meant for your eyes only, with the entire world.  The romp with Nick Carter as well as several others, in her life including Chris Humphrey's, was before she married you, so would not necessarily count against her. Now, Icheoku as well as the rest of the world that have seen and looked at your wife's nakedness, would now leave the rest to the imagination. We hope that your marriage survives, lasts and thrives under such explosive exposes` and other unseen behind the door marital explosions incidental to marrying a Kim Kardashian. 

To KimKad, Icheoku says good luck with all these brazen and very audacious 'I double-dare you', in your face acts; and asks what will KimKad not do for money? Icheoku says may be the next big thing for KimKad, which will really explode the Internet like a neuron bomb, is to have sex in public or upload one of her sex tapes on the Internet for the world to partake in. Icheoku is emphatic that this will be the mother of all KimKad's stunts and it will actually, indeed, bring the Internet on its knees.  It will shatter every known records of view-times the Internet as we know it has ever had on any subject, matter or person. The translation, there will be more millions in the banks for KimKad! Icheoku urges KimKad to just give it some thought as millions if not billions will like to watch or see KimKad bring it really down and live. After all she is KimKad and nothing is too outlandish or outrageously beyond Kimkad's audacity? 

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