Saturday, November 29, 2014


“It is better not to ascend power than to have power and whine about inability to appropriately use it.” GEJ should have gone out to take on the condescending and deleterious “inheritors” of the Nigerian “estate” who made the country “ungovernable” for him. He had the means and the power to put them in their place and help them to understand that all are equal partakers in the stake called Nigeria. He had the opportunity to remind the “Born to rule” goons that Nigeria belongs to all.

GEJ had the opportunity, to reinforce the Republican nature of the Nigerian State and insist that though, “tongue and tribe may differ,” we are all one and the same with equal rights and access to whatever appurtenances Nigeria has got to offer. He should have focused on righting a lot of historical wrongs for the disenfranchised nationalities in the country and carve a niche for himself in history. He had the opportunity to save Nigeria from itself by charting a different path for it. But as his detractors often say, he is “clueless.” His actions have worsen the situation and he has continued to wallow in delusion as he allows his enemies free reign to ruin him and whatever reputation he might have had. Goodluck Jonathan is the emblem of PDP as a tragedy." 

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