Tuesday, November 4, 2014


"It makes sense to ask those who have been recurring decimals in our country’s sorry history to leave the stage. These men who think that their failure to do their best for Nigeria when they had the opportunity automatically qualifies them for a return to office. Nigerian people surely deserve better. Buhari has remained perpetually unelectable because his record as military head of state, and afterwards, is a warning that many Nigerians have wisely heeded. His insensitivity to Nigeria’s diversity and his parochial focus are already well-known. 

In 1984, Buhari allowed 53 suitcases belonging to his ADC’s father to enter Nigeria unchecked at a time the country was exchanging old currency for new.  Against all canons of legal decency, he used retroactive laws to execute three young men for drug-peddling after they were convicted by a military tribunal and not regular courts of law. Buhari was so high handed that he gave himself and his officials immunity even from truthful reporting. That obnoxious Decree 4, against which truth was no defense  was used to jail journalists and attempt to cow the media as a whole. That tyrannical legislation shows the essence of his intolerance. The story of counter-trade and import licensing, the cornerstone of Buhari’s stone-age economic strategy. 

These are facts of recent history. It is time for a new generation of leaders with new thinking and wholesome democratic attitude and credentials to move our nation forward. The vicious response by the Buhari camp to a simple statement that their 70 year plus old principal should retire is proof enough that a Buhari, the new Democrat, tolerant of views different from his own, is yet to evolve. Having tasted his style of governance, Nigerians are not craving an encore."  - El Rufai.

Icheoku says who else would know the chief caliph of their fundamentalist brand of Islam better than a fellow adherent? Nigerians, you have heard from an insider mullah describing their mullah-in-chief, so please listen to El Rufai when he says that Muhammadu Buhari is perpetually unelectable, practices stone age economic policies and left a sore taste in the mouth of Nigerians for them to desire his repeat governance. Icheoku urges Nigerians to please not break the curse of Buhari, the unelectable Buhari, by electing him this time. Say no to Buhari, Baa abu Buhari, not this time and not in the future of Nigeria as is presently constituted and still existing. 

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