Friday, November 28, 2014


People gather at the site of a bomb explosion in Kano, Nigeria, Friday Nov. 28, 2014.

Icheoku says the continuing menace that is Boko Haram is still wrecking havoc in Nigeria because Nigerians have not decided to come together to fight it as a united people. Icheoku says but for the joint effort at tackling Ebola Virus Disease, may be the virus disease would have completely devastated the whole Nigerian populace by now. But Nigerians saw it as a national emergency problem which would afflict all Nigerians if unchecked, and decided to come together to tackle it as a one people and it was defeated and gone. Icheoku says this is the same attitude that Nigerians need to approach Boko Haram with and in order to similarly get rid of it. 

But a situation where some people think and perceive Boko Haram as a sectional problem or some people see it as a problem for the PDP and President Jonathan alone to fight, then Nigerians, we have a problem. Some critics of Jonathan's administration,  instead of speaking directly to Boko Haram and condemning their nefarious activities, are rather busy blaming the president for not timely solving the problem? icheoku emphasizes that such attitude emboldens Boko Haram as they see themselves as fighting a cause on behalf of some people and/or that some people at least tacitly support their activities. 

Icheoku says until this "all of us are in it" approach is adopted, with every section of the country and peoples, sitting down together to marshal out a plan to uproot these mad dogs, the problem of Boko Haram will continue unabated. Like cancer, it is metastasizing and rearing its ugly head in various parts of the North and tomorrow it might spread to other parts of the country. A matter made worse because all the key security agencies in the country are headed by Northern Muslims, yet they cannot seem to have a handle over this lingering problem caused by their fellow Muslims, the fanatical Boko Haram zealots. Icheoku says if not them, who else can speak the language these animals would understand to make them see the need to stop their campaign of impunity and great devastation. 

Icheoku queries if indeed Boko Haram is fighting for Muslims and Islamic domination of Nigeria, why are they killing their fellow Muslims who were praying to their Allah in their mosque praying grounds? If Boko Haram war-cry "Allahu Akbar" means anything to them, why are they making people who similarly believe that their 'God (Allah) is Great' suffer such avoidable and needless deaths and devastation as was witnessed today in Kano? Today over 100 Nigerians' lives were wasted in Kano under the continuing siege of the country by these faceless and cowardly miscreants. Again, Nigerians are mourning and afraid of what is becoming of their dear country. Icheoku says it is not only Kano people that the devastation happened to, it happened to the entire Nigerian people, whose fellow countrymen and women were  so callously and needlessly blown to pieces and shot with automatic weapons. Something need to be done to stem this mayhem or at least clot the bleeding. 

Icheoku says it is about time this madness is stopped and to do this, all Nigerians should see themselves as having a skin in the game; otherwise the effort to rid Nigeria of this scourge would linger on for a long time to come if not forever. Nigerians, Icheoku says, please let us all come together and join hands and give Boko Haram a concerted chase, similar to that which saw Ebola Virus Disease roundly defeated. Let us all, once and for all, rid the country of the Boko Haram continuing reek of goriness and take our country back from these bloodthirsty marauding jackals. Enough of the partisanship; enough of the sectionalism; enough of the political cum religious undertone; enough of the blame game; enough of passing of the buck and of course enough of the tepid approach, all of which are bedeviling the current effort at crushing Boko Haram! This bloodshed must end and now is the time to end it. Away with Boko Haram and may such primitive ideology, driving this lunacy, be mightily crushed and NOW.

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