Friday, October 3, 2014


Icheoku says the nuisance that is Abubakar Shekau and his Boko Haram lunatics has recently taken another dimension with the ever morphing tale of his death. Nigerians and the international community are getting exacerbated that this seemingly elusive maniacal religionist has not been decisively dealt with thus far and in order to put an end to his taunting and vicious brigandage. Icheoku asks, but should it still matter at this stage whether or not this monster is dead provided his band of roaming nihilists are effectively put out of commission or at worst quarantined in one remote corner of the earth? 

The fact of the matter is that the name "Abubakar Shekau" might be a fictitious operational name or just a norm genre used by any or every CEO of Boko Haram in Nigeria? A sort of alias or designated title for their leader, such that there could be in existence several 'Abubakar Shekaus,' with each stepping up and assuming the title and successively making appearance as an 'Abubakar Shekau' following the death of a predecessor-Abubaka Shekau? Possibly too, these many 'Abubakar Shekaus' could be mere body-doubles of the real deal and they are the ones being targeted and killed by the security agents in the country? 

As for the uncanny similarities of these 'Abubakar Shekaus', studies have shown that so many people usually look alike in every given community and the Boko Haram community of Northeastern Nigeria won't be an exception. Seemingly, this particular 'Abubakar Shekau' has now been "killed" twice and twice has he resurfaced, claiming that he is alive and taunting the Nigerian security authorities to catch him if they can. Whether this very 'Abubakar Shekau' resurrects or has the power to rise from the dead, Icheoku does not know, but suffice it to say that a close examination of the latest killed Abubakar Shekau's forehead reveals the same bump on the then living Abubakar Shekau's forehead. The similarities did not end there as both the now dead and the then living Abubakar Shekau's monkey face and beards are eerily similar if not the same? 

So how any naysayer would suggest or want anyone to believe that the same 'Abubakar Shekau' is now releasing a video of "I am not dead" and claiming to being alive defies every commonsensical logic. Even in case of a mutation or the proverbial "abiku", at least it does not instantly result in a full grown person simultaneously popping up following a death. Anyway, Icheoku suggests that the Nigerian security operatives should ignore this ever shifting stories about a living 'Abubakar Shekau' and continue with their offensive against this terrorist sect. They should also consider and treat summarily every arm-bearing Boko Haram operative as an 'Abubakar Shekau.' That way all the would be actors or potential norm de genre of 'Abubakar Shekau' would become extinct before they can make a new video of 'being alive;' which will help end the insurgency more quickly.  

Finally, Icheoku is convinced beyond doubt that the errant 'Abubakar Shekau' we all have come to know is DEAD and it does not matter whatever any purported new video otherwise says to the contrary. Furthermore, the science of  holograms can be used to "resurrect" people for show-appearances; and who knows what the powers behind the Boko Haram nuisance are up to once again by now purporting that the dead 'Abubakar Shekau' is magically alive again? What these anarchists' s sponsors stand to gain by making Nigerians believe in the invincibility of their created 'Abubakar Shekau' and his ability to rise back from the dead after being shot by bazooka and his body nearly disintegrated, is beyond Icheoku's fathoming. Anyway the show must go on and so, let Nigerians hang in there and check back on this Boko Haram crisis after the 2015 elections are concluded. Until then, Icheoku says Nigerians  should consider 'Abubakar Shekau' as he then was, now dead as a door knob.

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