Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Icheoku says first it was to Nigeria through Patrick Sawyer and now to the United States of America through another son of Liberia named Thomas Eric Duncan? Both Liberians are now world famous or rather notorious for exporting the deadly Ebola Virus Disease to countries outside the shores of Liberia. Icheoku says what a people? As with Patrick Sawyer, he acted male-fides, for intentionally lying to doctors and medical workers in Nigeria that he did not have Ebola nor did he ever come in contact with any Ebola victim prior to being stricken? As a result of his deceitful concealment, so many Nigerian victims were infected and some of them also died as a result, including a first rate physician who was part of the first responders. 

As to the other Liberian Ebola exporter who ferried his deathly ware to the United States, Thomas Duncan, it seems that he acted bona-fides, being ignorant of his Ebola-infection status when he boarded that flight to the United States. Some days following his arrival to the United States, he was feeling under the weather when he went to the hospital but was told to go home with some antibiotics as his symptoms were interpreted as "ordinary and not of any extreme nature" requiring acute care or needing further observation? Subsequently he was diagnosed with the dreaded EVD and admitted for treatment. But as of this report, what remains of him is only his ashes, having been since cremated following his loss of his struggle to stay alive against EVD. 

Icheoku says with Duncan now dead and hopefully EVD in America checkmated, so many questions remain unanswered? Was all that could have been done to save Duncan done or was all systems not let go to save this Liberian as was with other White American Ebola victims? Why was Duncan not sent to the renowned center for infectious disease control and treatment facility in CDC co-run Emory University Hospital Atlanta? Why was Duncan not treated with the experimental drug ZMapp or any other trial anti-ebola virus drug? Why was Duncan not infused with an Ebola survivor's blood as was done in some other cases to help provide boost to his immune system? Icheoku opines, is it possible that Duncan's condition was not fully assessed when he first showed up at the emergency, complaining of feeling sick, because he has no medical insurance?  Does  the hospital has a standing policy of not usually wasting their precious time on patients with potential  'unrecoverable medical bills of claim' status? 

Icheoku queries how did Duncan who self checked himself into the hospital, alive and well, looking very robust and healthy enough, not survive the EVD but other three White Americans who were medevaced thousands of miles from Africa and nearly comatose when they arrived, survived? Why was Duncan only exposed to experimental drugs three long days after he was admitted and not immediately upon admission? These and many other burning questions are needing urgent answers in order to fully comprehend the spiraled turn for the worst of the first black Ebola victim in United States of America. Hopefully an inquiry will reveal what actually happened that a Duncan that was beginning to show some signs of turning the corner suddenly slipped into eternity? 

Although some schools of thought are beginning to wonder if Duncan was eased out to help starve off the disease from spreading or becoming epidermal and causing panic in a very hysterical society, Icheoku will reserve its final opinion on this matter to await the outcome of an investigative inquiry into what happened. Also Icheoku would wait to see if the now newly infected White police office would also survive like the other three White Americans or follow black Duncan to the land beyond. But in the event this White officer survives, then naysayers would have abundance of reason to become more cynical about the care Duncan received. This is because blacks are known to have far more stronger immunity than their Caucasian counterparts, which would definitely suggests that some fish business took place concerning Duncan's handling and thus make everything surrounding his death seem more fishy. Icheoku however prays for a more favorable outcome that Duncan freely succumbed to his affliction and that there was now external facilitation or inducement.

Finally, while James Bond 007 would like the world to believe it is "From Russia with Love," as with this Ebola Virus Disease, it is now "From Liberia with (Hate) Ebola?" The only good news, if any, out of this tragic situation is that for the very real first time, Americans have been woken up to the urgency of time to do something to checkmate Ebola. Previously, to many of them, it was just some 'news story about some damned Africans and one of their diseases called Ebola?' But as Duncan, the now official Ebola courier to the United States, has shown, neither of the two seas is wide enough to shield America from the dreadful Ebola. What is required now is for the whole world to attack Ebola as a global emergency that knows no boarders nor country and do it NOW. 

As could be seen, one American is already under quarantine, suspected of being infected by Duncan and who knows the spread thus far. Icheoku says if any positive yields from this Americans Duncan's scare, it will be that the world is now forced to focus much needed attention to a sinister disease that has nearly decimated some African countries, while the world, hitherto, looked the other way as if it is those Africans' and their diseases? It is now crunch time for the whole world to battle to suppress and possibly defeat Ebola. Icheoku says if EVD is successfully battled to a halt or even defeated, at least some benefit would have been reaped following Duncan's importation of the disease to the United States. Unlike the rogue Patrick Sawyer, whose mission to destroy Nigeria, turned out to be a  'mission unaccomplished.' Icheoku says while Nigerians are still smarting on what to do with Liberia for their attempted poisoning of their society, Icheoku hopes that Duncan will not provide White Americans another reason to ramp up their racism against everybody BLACK since all blacks come from Africa and they all look the same? Icheoku says what a way to remember a country, Liberia, for exporting a deadly virus called EBOLA to Nigeria and America! 

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