Friday, September 19, 2014


Once again all the doubters of the conspiracy theory surrounding the Ebola Virus Disease should now be assured that the journey has come full circle? Six months after the EVD has taken thousands of lives and a very big toll on the economy of the victim-countries, the American government has finally woken up and now ready to do something about it? Icheoku asks what took them this long?

America is known for rushing to the assistance of people in need within twenty-four notice - be it hurricane in the Phillippines or mudslide in Afghanistan or earthquake in some God forsaken part of the planet or even Evian Flu in Asia or Mesa Flu in Saudi Arabia; but Africa has been reeling under the scourge of Ebola for over six months now and suddenly, the mighty Yankees just remembered that some people in the jungle of Africa could use some help? Icheoku says it is all part of the agenda: - first Patrick Sawyer, an American, takes his deathly cargo to Nigeria on a mission? Then Western media, controlled by Americans, went to town crying fire in a crowded theater about the doomsday scenario that is ebola in Africa? From the blues came a vaccine out of San Diego, America, that could cure EVD, although a Spanish priest treated with the same vaccine died while the Americans survived? Several "infected" Nigerians equally survived and they never received this miracle-working American vaccine? 

So after waiting in vain and nursing the disappointment that Patrick Sawyer's mission was not "accomplished", and seeing the Nigerian authorities declare triumphantly that the Ebola Virus Disease has been contained if not totally eradicated, they went back to the drawing board asking what happened with the plans to get something going in Africa's most populous country? The rest is now part of history.

Suddenly three thousand soldiers and few medical personnel are being sent to Africa to fight the EVD? Icheoku queries are these soldiers going to shoot or nuke ebola? Why soldiers instead of medical personnel? Icheoku asks why now? Why wait until after over two thousand Africans have been killed by this disease? Why now that Nigeria, to the surprise of the world, was able to manage and contain the EVD? Icheoku asks did plans to stir health crisis in African most populous country hit the brick wall and now another ploy disguised as aid must be put in the offing? Anyway, Icheoku urges the Nigerian authority not to accept this aid as they have no need for it any longer; moreso who knows the stuff hidden in the Trojan Horse aid package. 

Ordinarily Icheoku is not usually a cynic, but paying closer attention to world's political economy and how certain objectives determine certain actions, it is increasingly becoming obvious that some things are just above certain pay grades. But one final advise to the Nigerian authorities, Icheoku urges them to be vigilant and watch closely before EVD would come back with a vengeance.

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